I like to play games. I specially like to play Half-Life. And above everything else, i specially like to play Half-Life mods.

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GOG: Preserving Gaming's Past & Future

HandsomeShrek Blog

Reposting my original comment on the video:

"Wonderful documentary. GOG has indeed saved gaming for me, and like myself, people around the globe living in 3rd world countries with authoritarian regimes, barely with any access to a stable internet connection able to download at 100 kbps."

Let's Play Database For Gaming Content Creators

HandsomeShrek Blog

Extracted from the video description by GGBeyond:

I've been working for the past year on a new web project called "Let's Play Index", a comprehensive YouTube review and let's play database of gaming content creators. Letsplayindex.com The goal of Let's Play Index is to create another avenue for exposure for these content creators, and also to compile statistics on these channels and the games they play for purposes such as keyword research, education, YouTube SEO and planning future content. As of the making of this video, Minecraft has over 100 billions views in total on YouTube, nearly 400,000 videos and 14 years worth of video content.


One of the biggest problems I've identified while making this website is that most gaming content creators on YouTube do not fill out the metadata on their videos properly. This leads to YouTube's algorithms considering their videos to be "irrelevant" in search, resulting in less exposure to their videos, and ultimately lower view and subscriber counts for smaller channels. To address the problem, I'm creating an SEO checking tool specifically tailored for video game content that will offer suggestions on how to improve the metadata of game-related videos.


Let's Play Index is still a work in progress, but the site is functional and you can use it for many different purposes already. Video game research is the biggest reason to use the website because it has data on games that no one else has. I'm also going expand it further with keyword research tools, new ways of discovering content creators, and we're also going to help them understand how YouTube works in the real world so they can increase their viewership and subscriber counts.

Creative Airlocking: streaming in action games

HandsomeShrek Blog 2 comments


An incredible article about level streaming in map and level design. Special attention to how Half-Life handled transitions, making it one of the first games to really aim for an apparently seamless and connected world. Personally, for me it took more than a decade to find a true sucessor to Half-Life level design connectivity, which i finally found in the form of Dark Souls level design, helmed by the incredible vision of Hidetaka Miyazaki.