Just a guy makin' games. Currently working on a project called Guts and Glory.

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Crash Testing the Family Car

hakjakgames Blog 2 comments

Things are progressing nicely on Guts and Glory. After putting in some late nights, I've finally finished the third playable vehicle/character for the game: The Yang Family and their Mezooki 600 Series Convertible! This car is super fun to drive, and even more fun to wreck! The body is damage-able and loses parts on impact. You can even jam tires or knock them off completely, or pop them on spikes and other sharp objects. I spent quite a bit of time watching dozens of crash videos while making this to get everything to feel just right--and then I tested he hell out of it in-game!

Below is a montage of crash tests and some general driving and handling. (Warning: it's a little bloody and violent). I'm pretty happy with how it's looking so far, and will continue to make improvements as the project continues. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Additionally, I've made some fixes to the bike control and significantly improved the suspension and handling of the ATV. It now handles off road and hilly stuff a lot better. All of the characters now have voices and I added more sound effects in general too.

Please help me spread the word about this project. I'm a solo game developer, so I can use all the help I can get!

For more info check out HakJak.com