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RSS Reviews

Sins of a Galactic Empire

Mod review

First of all, the look of this game is good. Very good. This immediately brings back fond memories of Empire at War and the STvsSW mod for Star Trek: Armada. Lots of lore friendly ships and techs, the models are gorgeous, the music works quite well, and in the first hour of play I thought "This is a strategy game worthy of Star Wars."

However. There are some glaring, mind blowing flaws.

First of all, the lack of a cap on capital ships is one of the most insanely stupid design decisions I've seen in a game. There's no reason for it and it completely breaks fleet composition. I have zero incentive to build anything other than capital ships and that's exactly what happens every time. Build an super cap, spam capital ships, steam roll. Stupid, stupid, *stupid* decision to engineer it this way. The developers are clearly not smart enough to have made such a radical change in how Sins behaves successfully.

Second, I like the idea of these super planets with a huge number of logistics or tactical slots, but they do break the economy a bit. They need to be less common. One per star system max, not every third planet. Tweak them or tweak the rest of the economy to make it work.

Third, the scale of the units. Yeah, I like realism. Its my first complaint in a lot of games, that they're just cartoonishly unrealistic. But you have gorgeous ship models and Star Wars is a very visual world. Let me see it, I'm begging you. I get that that isn't really compatible with having ships properly sized relative to each other, but there has to be a happy medium. I'm okay with it if the Executor is only 2-3x the size of an ISD instead of 16x if that means I can actually see the ships.

Fourth, I don't know what exactly causes it, but after about an hour of play, the frame rate for this game goes to single digits and comes to a grinding halt. I don't know if its just a lack of optimization on the part of the mod, or if there's too many units or what, but this means I get a couple hours max of good, star wars combat conquering neutral planets and then its time to start a new game or go do something else because the game becomes unplayable. Stop whatever you're working on for the mod right now and fix this issue first because it completely and utterly ruins what is an otherwise stellar effort.

That last issue is why this gets a 1 star. I'd give it an 8 or 9 but since I can't actually play a game to completion, this mod might as well not exist.