Hi there! Welcome to my PROflie! I LOVE GAMEZ!!!! Don't u?! I LOVE it that I can't take my eyes off the screen! Hee Hee... I'm not gonna talk about myself anymore but my PROflie! I treat this PROfile like Youtube (but better). I post videos about random gameplay of random games at random time! ( Achievement unlock! Triple randoms!) Pls, check out Kloxplex Stutios! We are making the best game in the universe! (I'm not saying other games are LAME!) DIGIMON UNITED REACH!!! Best of all! Its FREE! So wat ya waiting for?! Go check out the stuffs!

Comment History
GracezLOL - - 2 comments @ Iron Cube pre-alpha release 0.15

Such a nice game! Indie will definately love it!

Good karma+2 votes
GracezLOL - - 2 comments @ Pokémon: Generations

I am really excited for the new update! I hope there would be more pokemons, opponents will attack even more, leveling up/ evolving and more places to explore. Ya BIGGEST FAN, Gracez :D

Good karma+3 votes