I like to work on Duke Nukem Mods. I figure out a way to create maps in full 3d and hope to find other who share this hobby.

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Duke Nukem Full 3D

GlitchGraphics Blog

duke0007duke0001I figure out a way to make Duke Nukem Full 3d by over lapping sectors in a curtain way. This means the maps can now become fully 3d maps with fully rendered roofs and stuff. I have pictures and maps to prove it. I'm still in the early days of it and sadly it doesn't work in anything other then polymer mode with the help of the eDuke engine. Because well, polygons create roofs and stuff.

PS : I'm looking for help with my mod. It would be nice. Because even though I can create this. I still can't mod for the life in me. There's a few things I want to change.