I game. A lot. Possibly a bit too much, but really, this is a gaming community, so who cares ^.^ I am also a streamer on Qubetubers, and I use Desura to find games that I believe deserve more publicity, and I stream them, generally giving my views on the game as I progress, and normally getting a few purchases from the community!

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Have some fun and help Childs Play!

FuzzieBoy Blog

Hello everyone!

I am incredibly excited to tell you all about something you can all be a part of : The Qubetubers 48h Minecraft marathon for Childs Play! Many famous YouTube stars will be there, and we are aiming to raise $50k! But we can't do this alone, we need your help! I hope we don't only meet this goal, but smash it! You can find out more of the details here, including all the guests that will be taking part: Qubetubers.com !

I hope at least some of you guys and girls come and say hello!

Ranting about DRM

FuzzieBoy Blog

Hello all, this is my first try at this, but I thought "screw it, I have free time and nothing to do with it!", so this is happening, it may be a thing, it may not be, but the important thing is, stuff is happening. Anyway, onto things to rant about and such.


DRM is a huge problem with PC gaming, and I'm not talking about Steam style DRM, and obviously Desura has no DRM at all (Which is AWESOME!), but many big companies feel the need to put in obtrusive and anger inducing DRM into many of their games, and understandably, a lot of PC gamers hate this. If you ask companies why they put in DRM, most of them will tell you some rubbish along the lines of "To combat piracy.", and while piracy is still a large issue with PC games, piracy is still a large issue with PC games. What I am trying to say is, yes, piracy is an issue, but you're already using DRM, and guess what, piracy is STILL an issue, even though you have used all of these DRM solutions (many of which seem to punish the paying customers, I'm looking at you, Spore.), how many have worked? 0. DRM is always cracked, normally within a week of release at the longest! The problem is, many of the people who pirate games actually do so because of the DRM, and the companies see these piracy figures, so they up the DRM. Instead of pirating these games, why not buy them? Give the company a respectable PC fanbase, and complain about the DRM, eventually, they may listen to us, and use a better form of DRM, or even none at all.


Don't pirate a game if it has bad DRM, buy it, then the company will have a PC playerbase that they may eventually listen to when we tell them to remove their obtrusive DRM methods