Don't mind me. I am just another soldier on the march across the great desert that is life. Where and why I am marching I will discover on my great trek across many a mountain in search of whatever it is that I am marching for. I will stop and look at the beautiful sights along my journey and I will meet many people in many towns and cities along my path. Sometimes, I will trip and fall, but I will get back up. Other times, I may see others trip and fall, and I will help them back to their feet. Sometimes, I will want to stop at the highest points of my journey and stay there for the rest of my life, but I know I must keep marching on, and until I reach my final destination and carry out the orders that were withheld from me for the entirety of my journey, I shall march. I shall march until my mission is done.

Comment History
Fhenexx - - 6 comments @ Human Error Released

I liked this. It was short, but pretty damn fun. The only real major complaint I have is the Alyx Gun view model. It was very low-res, to say the very least.

Good karma+1 vote
Fhenexx - - 6 comments @ Left In The Shed

Hammer in the L4D2 Authoring Tools.

Good karma+3 votes
Fhenexx - - 6 comments @ DangerousWorld

It's probably because I don't have Episode 1 installed, now that you mention it.


Good karma+1 vote
Fhenexx - - 6 comments @ DangerousWorld

Well, I was just bringing that flaw to the attention of the creator of the mod. Perhaps my tone was a bit too harsh, and that I apologize for, as I've been sick all weekend long. But, my point is that it is very easy to get stuck/lost in this mod. I am sorry if I made you mad, Mr. Yarr, but I am entitled to an opinion, and just because it might not necessarily be yours doesn't mean you have to insult me because of it.

Good karma+1 vote
Fhenexx - - 6 comments @ Strider Mountain

I liked this mod a lot. It was very fun, the atmosphere was fantastic, I felt like I knew where I was going most of the time and I almost never got lost, and the story was pretty good. It was very action-packed, however it seemed that there were was little-to-no breaks in between firefights. I didn't mind this much, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I also didn't like the fact that the sniper rifle shot out crossbow bolts, but I didn't mind that much, either.

This was a great mod, all in all. But, it had a few bugs every now and again, but it didn't make the mod any less fantastic. I give your mod an 8/10.

Good karma+2 votes
Fhenexx - - 6 comments @ DangerousWorld

This mod was a bit disappointing, to tell you the truth. Yes, the atmosphere was fantastic and there were a few exciting moments, but there were just too many times where I had no idea where to go or what I had to do. One example is (spoiler) right after the antlion guard attack in the underground level, I thought the exit was where the antlion guard was, so I went there and there was a jump I thought I had to do. So, after like 10 minutes of dying time after time, I finally made it over just to figure out that it was a dead end. At the time, I thought it was just a bug with the level transition. So, I spent another 20 minutes trying to get it to work. After a while I gave up and ended up backtracking only to realize that there was a gate that was open the whole time. (end spoiler). Another example is (spoiler) when I was in the Combine Nexus-esque building after the underground levels; I had just threw a grenade into the vent and I knocked the power ball out of the thing, and that turned off a power gate. Barney said something along the lines of "Follow me" and he just stood there in a T-Pose (will talk more about that later) and I was literally there for at least 30 minutes attempting to find what I was supposed to do. I was +use-ing every inch of that place with no luck. (end spoiler) That, along with the fact that some animations were missing (I.E. Barney doesn't seem to have a shotgun idle animation, and the (spoiler) ghost in the train station (end spoiler) had no sitting animation; both NPCs were in T-poses).

All in all, the level design was there, but the direction the player had to go to was belabored to the point of confusion. That is why I rated this mod 3/10.

Good karma-1 votes