A large male feral wolf with long, thick black and crimson fur that loves playing older games including doom, doom 2, hexen, heretic, Half-Life, Unreal and Unreal Tournament.

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Been a while

FenrisTheWolfGod Blog

I have been gone from ModDB for some time now yet I have returned and lately I have had a appetite for most things Half-Life 2 related.

I will be most likely looking to grab up some large mods to add to my collection with the intent to play and perhaps review the mods like I have done for a couple I used to play on the older engine.

I have seen a few being converted to source that I know were fun and enjoyable for me so I may give those a try at some point as well. I am more than happy to see the community still thrives and still has the vivid imagination to keep the game so much alive =3

Old School Games

FenrisTheWolfGod Blog

I hate to say it but here goes. I prefer old school games where I can simply install and play without the drama of downloading some huge load of crap just to play a game. Steam is the worst offender of this and that is why long ago I quit using steam even though I have two games id love to play I don't want to download 500-600megs of crap. So I say to hell with you Valve, you idiots can't even get shit done in the first place yet you shove all you're bullshit on us the players so go eat a load of Crap. I will continue playing games from the 80's and 90's while you all rot. So on that note I will stick to games that I can load and play without second, third and probably forth party bull crap.

I am pretty sure some of you players feel the same way about it and don't want to waste you're time either so with that said, stand up the the bullies.

over powered enemies

FenrisTheWolfGod Blog

I can for one say I know some who dislike enemies of any type that are over powered from the start, double and triple damage dealing to the player when they have not even got very far into any game or modification. I have seen this done too much in plenty of games throwing over powered enemies at you for a false sense of difficulty within. The way I look at this is the way they throw difficulty at you instead of say just doubling the amount of enemies and keeping the health and weapon damage the same as the players. I am sure some of you will say it's stupid and some of you will simply say I'm a cry baby cause I see it how I do but I'm not, i'm just saying that it's a false sense of difficulty. I would rather throw enemies at you by the dozen then force you to take down insanely strong enemies throughout a game just so I slow you down or kill you off with insanely heavy health enemies that can hit you for two to three times the damage your best weapon can actually do. It is probably just be but I really think if game companies and developers took this route it would change things up and probably for the better of the actual players who enjoy those type of games, even just adding a modification that gives those who love the opposite game play style would be a good option specially for those who don't feel like having full blow warfare and just want to chill out with a few friends for some casual gaming fun and not a constantly getting killed slaughter fest.

Half-Life classic ideas..

FenrisTheWolfGod Blog

I have been thinking about some things that would actually be neat to see within a modification or addon to the classic and have come to a conclusion. I don't think it's even possible using the main engine, it would have to be done in some other engine that can handle the original game. Just a few of my thoughts would actually be a scavenger type thing where you could gather material from around Black Mesa to craft weapons, upgrade your H.E.V. suit or whatever armor/suit you have depending on game or mod. maybe even build your own power sources to power up lights in areas that are normally unlit. Now my thoughts on this type of thing is the fact that half-life is full of resources that could make a game mod more interesting though I bet it would be quite the challenge to anyone who even tried doing something like it. I have played quite many shooters and the lack of alternate resources is pretty strange being the developers could have probably added something like that to most of the games as a option very easily. Yet the emphasis of most action adventure shooters is simply run and kill which I can say is one reason I like some MMORPG elements tossed in and even then I would even want more interactivity to the levels like more interaction with fluid zones, being able to drain them, more auxiliary power sources to open doors and light up rooms. This would definitely be something more should look into doing when they make a game or game modification, I feel that it would ad something more than just game play time but be more fun and give the player more of a sense that their not just playing another run and gun game. One last thing I want to get off my chest that would add to games and game modifications is being able to use parts from enemy corpses to make armour, weapons, power sources, power ups and additional equipment.

End of ramblings for now

Half-Life classic

FenrisTheWolfGod Blog

One of the few games from back in the day that I still play is Half-Life classic. I still find the look and feel of it appealing and the story line very much appealing. One might ask me why I feel this way still about Half-Life classic and the answer is simple to me, the story line, theme and adventure. It makes me still feel like I am part of the story being the hero trying to save the day and not just some character on a pointless killing spree with no real reward or goal. I see modern games lacking a lot of story line, goals, reward and adventure. I do spice up my gaming life with modifications especially half-life which has one of the largest selections I have ever discovered or seen yet I don't go for the largest mods, some times I just want something I can play for a hour or so. Which is where mini modifications come in the small 20 to 40 megabyte games. Now you might say okay but you're mission out on some huge awesome projects, yes I definitely am however I tend to go for quality over large expansive levels and gaming experience. I like specialty type mods nothing too huge but nothing to small. Yes I do have a few simple small level packs 2-3 maps but that was cause it caught my eye. All in all I can say I am impressed with what I do find and support those who go for quality rather than a cluster of a mess. Thank you to the Modders who build things in this manner, Thank you very much for making half-life classic mods!!!!

Relaxing and Half-Life 1 gaming

FenrisTheWolfGod Blog 1 comment

I have once again jumped back into the fray of Half-Life1 and have gone straight for the mods, my current favorite is Half-Life: Residual life, one of the best mods I have found in a long time and one of the most fun world builds to play in. Too those who want to know what engine I run it in I am on the Steamless patched Half-Life 1 also known as won swap2 version of the original classic. Not much of a fan of bloatware software so Steamless is wonderful for me.