Hi, I'm Ezequiel. I do not have much to say. I can only say that Make/edit 3D models for GoldSrc(HL/Cs 1.6 And others) and I'm crazy "coco" Any questions/Idea/Bug lets me know

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I have revived

ezequiel-TM Blog 1 comment

As the title says, I have revived, It's been 3 years since I logged in to this account last, this site did not change anything at all

for now I have no interest in uploading content here, You should probably update a lot of information, besides uploading content that I have pending for years, I also have to remove that banner, it's obsolete

I will try to keep my account active, and happy 2019

meet a ezequiel-TM

ezequiel-TM Blog

I had to do this the first day I register, but I had abandoned the site and am lazy so I will create one now.

who I am?

i'm ezequiel, for now I'm just a simple compiler GoldSrc. and composer I do not consider myself anything special

what are you doing here?

I wanted to explore new horizons, you know, maybe more and more people know their works.

Do you think re-upload all your previous works of GB?

I'm lazy, I not even upload my recent work.

who are the characters that appear on your profile?

the boy is called: Mr. temolo Measure (in Spanish sounds more great)

the girl is called: Emily Kisesweet (the union of kiseki and sweet)

the two were drawn by my, except that use of tremolo avatar, It is a modification of pokemaniac. and as I do not share my drawings to the public this is the only one who will see

what do...

-create textures in paint.net

-compose music and sound effects

-create and edit models in Milkshape 3D, if you need to create one from scratch.

-my English is "open english"(sarcasm)

-movement is created, but never share these Works.

-catn't rig a hand correctly whenever I try to do things how are you I get something like?

what the hell I just created?

and I think with this clears up details