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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

"Israeli's didnt all-of-a-sudden walz in"

offcourse not my friend, the zionist had a hard time tryng to convice the jew people palestine was the place for living, and they started paying people for travel there and buying lands, the idea of a jewish state in Palestine was very unpopular even among jews , offcourse...the nazis helped the zionists in thast matter....the hagannah was the first armed group in palestine and was a zionist terrorist organization, putting asides all the zionist propaganda, the ones who introduced the use of terror in the "hoyl land" was the zionist...theres not land steling you say?? zionists buy a good amount of lands yeah, terrorized a lot of arab population , and influenced in the UN voting (just read the declarations of all the parties involved in the UN when israel was declared, anyone can easily realize somthings wrong, go check my friend... ) and the UN happily created two states and guess what, the minority of the population (jews/zionist) won the mayority of the land! stealing?? naaah

"These countries, militia etc all **** over EVERY international rule EVER created, you think a puny country with 6 million jews-christians and muslims would just sit back and follow every rule when they fight those kind of opponents?"

i cant believe youre saying that ****... a puny country??? haha!! that puny country can defeat all the arabs and muslim armys and you ******* knowit...and besides that, isnt Israel "supposed" to be different than those big bad evil and powerfull terrorist scum??.. the way you speak is like israel is in danger of being destrpyed, thats exactly what zionist want us to belive, and thats ********, israel is the best armed in the region, with the best army, and a lot of nukes, so , i dont think such menace is even remotely possible...but noooo, Israel is the country with the most gross number of UN resolutions withoput being implemented, but that is becose their little and weak, sorriunded of really evil people that for some xtrange unknown reason dream with their destruction , so, they can just complain with the UN and end the occupation-for example- becose that will be their end...xplain me how is that supposed to happen please..

i think is funny you laugh at me like the only motive i criticize israel is becose is "evil" (likes is there no occupation, no palestinian civilian life destroyed almost everey day and being call bi israel "technical error", no occupation of lebanon for more than 20 years and looots of civilian people dead there..etc...etc...etc..) but you are the one talking about people that want israel destroyed, just becose theyr "evil" they wake up one day and think oh, i hate israel..

" ******* saw the destroyed convoys ruins in israel you idiot"
oooh i guess that really probs your point

"nd if you think it all evolve around the Palestinians: Go ask the Kurds how hypocrit this situation is, you hardly see all Islamic nations unite to help them"

ha, i agree, and you hardly see all the islamic nation united to help the palestinians, get real, the only reason some goverments finance palestinian groups is for propaganda issues, but theres no arab or muslim goverment ready to really risk anything for the palestinian people, as i said, i dont endorse any arab or muslim goverment they are hypocrites and war mongers, just like the israeli goverment and the zionists

"he Palestinians are an excuse, they never existed"

hehe , you wish, thats what zionist want people to believe, but believe, they exist, and theyre not going anywhere, like it, or no

"very time Israel and Palestine enter peace-talks it gets torpedoed by some terrorist act, responded by an Israeli reprisal. "

sorry, but thats not really true, it happened, yes, but i also saw negotiations torpedoed by the israely army actions, more than twice....and even tho, the so called peace talks, are never going anywhere as longs as they ignore the palestinian people the famous oslo **** that zionist like to say all the time, "we oferred 70% of the land and they blah blah" anyone how knows what was that treaty really about can say : ********

"yria and Iran have a long history of pushing other countries to deny Israel peace.
They are all officially still freekin IN A STATE OF WAR WITH ISRAEL, how dumb can you be expecting puny Israel to give up the high-grounds in the Golan Heights to countries that deny peace..."

first of all, stop with the "puny" ********, israel isnt weak at all, and theres no existence danger...and, if you follow israeli politics i guess you know syria is trying to have peace negotiations withnisrael since months ago, but israel refuses even knowing peace with syria will be a hard blow for hezbllah

"nd even have mandates allowing organisations like the PLO and Hezbollah to freely operate vs Israel (go read on the Lebanese Civil War and its Cairo Agreements), and on top of that, who have constantly attacked through wars and Wars of Attriction Israel (and still are). "

oooh how bad!! israel can launch theyur shells in the middle of heavily populated areas, but if some ******* qassam that hurts someone almost never land in israel, we all must be horrorized!!!

"ut FFS please look .."

like you see, my english is not the best, and i dont know the meaning of FFS

"he solution lies not only with Israel, its a common mentality thats needs to be crushed: an islamic fascist mentality"

the solution lies not only with israel, i agrre on that, the "islamic fascist" thing is ******** if you dont say nothing about the zionist fascism , like it or no , israel is not better than Iran, maybe smarter, defenitly more powerfull , but they are the same ****

"Only when that ends, will the people of the MidEast have peace... "

by saying that youre saying israel has no guilty at all, is all becose of the "islamic fascist" and the big bad evil terrorist...and i am one-sided......

salam my friend, hehe , looking foward to your answer...if you have the time you need this tiome offcourse, i wold love to see the whole fuckink cake, but i doubt you have anyidea bout that

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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

I think israelies dont want peace becose their the ones with power, and in order to achieve real peace they must leave behind their ambittions, and thats something the israeli politicians arent ready to do.
and COME ON , dont give me the, "theyre evil" **** , i hate the Israeli goverment becose their killing and making miserable people even before 1948....israelies and americans are the ones that talk bout: "good and evil" , terrorist (i wonder what a terrorist is nowadays), "free world" , "civilization" ....and send their armys to destroy other peoples lives and infraestructure.
dont giveme the christian muslim **** either, im not a muslim, not a christian, and i dont give a **** peoples religions, y respect other people beliefs, as long they dont believe they can destroy my world in the name of peace and democracy, allah , or any other ****.
and about gloryfing the INTIFADA, o yeaah baby, i totally do, we caught me there, i wonder if u know that the intifada is not limited to armed struggle, and that civil desobedience, stone throwing etc is part of the intifada (in fact, the first intifiada was only about that, no weapons) anyway, im with the arms rtesistance too , is easy for you talk about "civilians dying" but let me tell you, they dont die coz of thje intifada, they die coze of the Israeli army dont give a **** about civilans death, you know, the intifada is an unprising of the vast majority of the popuation, and the product of the humilliation lived under military occupation , belive me pal, the palestinian people were dying before the intifada, the only diference, is now they strike back.
"ensured part of the world will further spiral downwards into mass attrocities by both sides"???????????????????????????????????
first, mass atrocities, implies, mass-lots of people dying...and i doubt any palestinian could do that,even wanting, they dont have how, mass murder like the massacres of sabra and chatila in Lebanon or the apartheid in gaza are the work of an army, like the israeli army for example.
you know how much time passed since palesitnians attacked israeli civilians?? look for it , and do you know how much time passed since israel kill some palestinians, well , today they did today..and yesterday..and the day before, do you know how much time passed since isrel started occupyng illegally (according the UN and the international community) palestinian and lebanese territory??
do you know wich country have the most gross number of un resolutions totally ignored??? (yeahh the one of the little pacific little jew people)
dont give the read some book **** to me , im p?retty shure i know better than you what im talking about, and im ready to have a facts debate, ****, a retarded like you talking of reading i doubt you even know what the intifada really is about (yeah shure, bombing buses -i know thath happended *******-)
anyway, im not a supporter of arabs or muslim goberments, no, but they arent the ones that are destroying mi planet ecosystem and killing half a world in the name of peace and democracy, and they definetly the palesitnian people arent responsible either....

hey..what are you going to do when a foreign army opccuoes your land, and kill you relatives and friends, and dont even let you r kids go to school...dont know yo, but im going to take the ak47, and shoot some fascist soldiers...yeah....well, if they kill my family, and make me poor and hubgry, maybe, i even going to blow myself up in a bus, but believeme, im going to take a lot of them with me


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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

the web page is down, i think freewebs do it, were going to make a new page soon.

in other news, now we have some help with dehacked and levels, the work continues but there isnt any relevant thing to say right now

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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

Woolie_Wool , i think your comment is in fact, very pattetic, you must leave behind youre ignorance, palestinians already walk the "gandhi" path, and the israeli **** them , like they always do...

the israeli goverment DOESNT want peace, face it, read a couple of books..

i agree with oo6red, except in that of the game being "bad taste" offcourse, could be, even i think that sometimes, but... all this game are bad taste, and i receve mails of people, arabs, even palestinians, asking for the game, etc.. just a game...the israeli bullets, are for real

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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC


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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

to Zeph:
first of all, uruguay-if you even know where that is- , is not a leftist country, in fact, is a neo-liberal "democracy", capitalist, and good friend and slave of the american empire, here, -like in almost all nations- we receve the daily liberal brainwash, but, some people ,people who isnt like you, have a brain, and can see things like they really are, you are just another idiot, absoluttly ignorant, one of the cowards who want to belive in the good vs evil,rich vs poor, eternal capitalist war
i dont fell any sorry for you, or your kind.

about the "jihad" thing, probably you dont know nothing about that, but the menaing of "jihad" isnt the meaning radicals(muslims,cristian,zionist,or capitalist) use, anyway, i dont think you can understand that, read a book, an if youre head hurt in the procces, just turn on the tv, and you dont need to think any more.

**** OFF

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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

Which one is it? Give me a link please, I want to try that one.

the Israeli-produced game Israeli Air Force, developed on request for Jane’s Defense, a weapons and warfare analysis company in London. In the game the player can fly an Israeli fighter jet in the 1967 war or in the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. One of the options the player has is to carpet-bomb Beirut and other Arab cities...sad fascist game

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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

The Palestinians are a people under siege. Youth fight back in the streets against heavily armed Israeli soldiers. The new intifada reflects the rage of all Palestinians at the futility of the peace process, and the indignity and brutality of their everyday treatment by the Israeli state. In this new phase of the struggle, they have awoken the solidarity of students and workers in neighboring Arab states, thus pointing the way forward to a lasting solution.

The Israeli assault of 2002 produced anger and disgust worldwide. It also produced an unprecedented crisis among supporters of the Zionist state. Many who had backed Israel uncondintionally found it impossible to stomach the bloodletting. They were aghast at what one perviously uncritical supporter of Israel in the British parliament called the "repulsive" strategies of the Israeli state. Some argued that Israel had changed beyond recognition -- that under Ariel Sharon its ideals of democracy and peace were being abandoned. This pamphlet, which was first published in 1986, tells a different story. It explains the background and history of Zionism, showing that since its inception Israel has had a record of extreme violence towards the Palestinians.

"Israel is to become the watchdog. There is no fear that Israel will undertake any aggressive policy towards the Arab states when this would explicitly contradict the wishes of the US and Britain. But if for any reasons the Western powers should sometimes prefer to close their eyes, Israel could be relied upon to punish oneor several neighbouring states whose discourtesy to the West went beyond the bounds of the permissible." -- Ha'aretz, September 30, 1951

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Elpalestino - - 10 comments @ INTIFADA DOOM2 TC

The mod is about the palestinian uprising "intifada", and yes, is something like "modern warfare with counterstrike weapons". anyway we try to make it the more orignial we can.(sorry for my english)

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