"Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day...a red day...ere the sun rises! Ride now!...Ride now!...Ride to ruin and the world's ending! Death!...Death!...DEATH!...Forth, Eorlingas!" My name is danny, I live in NY, I love the Lord of he Rings....From movies, to books, to collectibles...and thanks to this mod, now video games....I love it all! I own 5 LOTR swords 1. Herugrim, sword of King Theoden 2. Glamdring, sword of Gandalf 3. Uruk-hai Scimitar 4. The Ringwraith sword 5. The sword of the Witch-King of Angmar There isn't much I don't know about LOTR, and I also play Lord of the Rings online...It's great, plus my brother's and I have our own kin...Brother in Arms....if you play check it out....my name is Theomare, and my brother's are Jayoden and Axllas.....well, maybe i'll see you on sometime....

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The Fellowship

The Fellowship

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The Fellowship is an unofficial Tolkien lore group that brings every fan together from his great works in the Middle-Earth universe!