i did it all for the lulz. aspiring Source engine modder, long time Half Life fanboy. moderate talents in level design, I/O sequencing and audio design.

RSS Reviews

Hunt Down The Shephard

Mod review

Demo shows a fair bit of promise. Map design is loyal to the Half-Life style and the models all look great. Runs decent with everything pushed to max on an older spec PC which is nice. Lighting needs work, it's a little bright overall.

Weapons look and sound great but are a little confused. The rifle is clearly the Pulse Rifle from Aliens... so why is this in Half-Life? It's fun but lacks the punchy report you've come to expect.

Also why is it we're rescued by some seemingly Combine guy (with a model that looks like a revival of the HL2 Beta longcoat Metrocop, which is very cool) and then are fighting HECU (or a similar outfit)? It's quite confusing.

Looking forward to the full version. Just hope the name is a coincidence and it's not related to or trying to emulate that shitpile HDTF.


Gordon Freakman

Mod review

You'll laugh.
You'll cry.
You'll smash that NOCLIP command.
But you will love it. 10/10 beautiful nonsense.


Resident Evil 2: Source

Early access mod review

Great work for a one man effort.

- look and feel much like the original Resi 2
- original score and sound effects have been used in many places
- performs well even on an older spec PC even with it using the 2013 engine
- puzzles and layout almost exactly the same as the original so easy to step into
- pretty free of bugs (just entering the labs and noticed nothing so far)
- good looking weapon and object models/textures
- more monsters than ammo to kill them in places, which keeps it tense
- no autosave, you have to use typewriters and ink ribbons like a proper Resi game

- no storytelling or cutscenes (no other characters either, like Ada) so if you didn't play the original you'll be stumbling around a lot
- no unique models for enemies (personally I think this is hilarious, like the pink antlion to represent the Licker)
- lighting is far too bright throughout, especially in the RPD building (though not as bad as, say, the unfinished last levels of the Wilson Chronicles beta)
- lot of objects and scenery are quite crude and GoldSrc-y looking
- no HUD other than a crosshair (activated with RMB) regardless of HIDEHUD commands in the console
- no inventory screen to keep track of what items you've collected already
- (this one might just be me) no ability to actually switch weapons regardless of assigned keys

None of the cons really kill the enjoyment, they're just minor annoyances. It's not very complex (the mapping is outstanding work, however, apart from the oft-triggered trap of making corridors a bit tight too often) and the AI is limited.

You'll have two tactics throughout - backpedal while shooting for the head or just sprint and dodge (the latter is pretty effective as you can lead enemies by strafing). It's not inspired but it's fun.

If you played the original you'll probably love this just for the Member Berries.


Half-Life 2 : MMod

Mod review

A fantastic mod for long term fans of HL2 looking to get a little extra out of the game. Mostly it plays with the in game mechanics and particle effects, but not so much as to break the game or destroy the 90's shooter feel that's so characteristic of Half Life.

In short...

- amazing new particle effects for rockets, fire and water (including specks on Freeman's specs!)
- new bloom and lighting effects for a much richer look
- weapons look much more realistic with updated models, effects and reload animations, as well as zoom and iron sights
- finally, a proper looking scope for the crossbow!
- improvement of Combine troops accuracy making combat more difficult and rewarding
- new functionality to unmount and carry emplaced machine guns (!)
- new sounds for the weapons, ambient effects and HEV notifications
- improved screen distortion and filter effects for damage indicators, flame and bleed-out

Tons of other minor improvements here, like a Battlefield style hit indicator on the crosshair and more detailed blood splatters.

There is literally no downside to this mod, as it's more of a rework of HL2 rather than a full game. I would easily have paid money for this.