Surfer, web developer, musician and a Dad. I've been in love with adventure games since I was a boy and they grew with me until today. My first game was the 256 color Monkey Island 1, and since then I was hooked into the genre. I am Portuguese but live in Sydney Australia with my wife and daughter and love to surf the wonderfull aussie waves. Really excited to join the gaming community and contribute with my personal project, "The Seven Tides", a steam punk adventure game that I started working on recently in the adventure game engine Visionaire.

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A new point n' click adventure game!

duartegarin Blog

Hello felow devs and gamers,

I will be starting the development of a new game called the Seven Tides.

It is a point and click adventure game, inspire on the classic mystery games from the 90's like broken sword, gabriel knight and the dig (and so many more).

I am software developer by profession and have always wanted to start a hobby project for an adventure game.

I already started the game design and story script and was playing around the last few months with several engines until I decided on Visionaire Studio.

I will keep you posted with updates!
