We are a team of spanish game-dev students from U-tad. Currently working on Drowned Adventure, a two-player coop adventure game.

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Hello there internet folks!

Development for Drowned Adventure keeps going ahead, and with 50% of the game implemented we can assure you it's going to be an amazing experience.

There's still many a QA session to be held and lots of bugs to deal with. The endgame is not yet here, but we're approaching faster than usual. Soon you'll be able to experience LVL 1 as we envisioned it, with dubbed cutscenes and all the art of the game implemented.

Keep a weather eye till then!

Good afternoon you Internet and Game Developing bilgerats!

We had another Playtesting session last weekend and it was a lecturing experience for us all. We learned a lot from our players and keep pushing on to have a polished final experience that you may download from Itch.io in the near future.

Also, the narrative of our first level is currently finished and we've contacted our voice actor so he can start practicing voices and tones for the various crazy characters you're going to meet along the game.

1 2 2

Good afternoon you internet bilgerats!

We had a hard time designing and building the underwater world of Drowned Adventure. We relied on props we made by our own, and boy, is a hard task to build an entire world relying purely on rocks you've put together by yourself. It's madness! And so, our main programmer and level designers cried tears of pure joy and relief when we discovered Ferr2D Terrain Tool.

And no, we ain't on the payroll of the asset's creators but we bless their mindful heads from our hearts. Thanks to this asset we can cut the hours of working by half, and we can produce levels faster and prettier. It's a joy. Worth every euro invested.

With Ferr2D, we can sigh in pure relief, and keep working like pros! :D

You'll see the fruits of our labor veeeery soon... ;)

Bare work on the first cutscene you'll see in the game. Inspired by a small indie flick from the 70s...

Good day you internet bilgerats!

We keep the hard work up on our game as we speak, first level almost finished, two more to go. We hope to have a final version uploaded for Summer on Itch.io.

Meanwhile, we'd want to show you a few sneak peaks of our cutscene art. We were heavily inspired by the motion comic style of games like the Call of Juarez saga...and we're even going to have a professional voice actor to provide voices!

Stay tuned for more...

Cutscenes 2

Good day, fellow dev-bloggers, future players and internet busybodies!

We keep pushing forward to the release of Drowned Adventure. Each day we are closer to a Beta, and it gets harder to combine the game development and the flow of the college final months...But we can't stop.

We're currently designing and building our first level, based on the use of both the diving dress and the magnet to pull out obstacles (and treasures!)

Hope to show you some advances soon!

Good afternoon, fellow dev-bloggers, future players and internet busybodies!

We're back after a long abscence, though we haven't stopped working. Right now we have a full playable level of Drowned Adventure and we've plunged headlong into the final road. In a few months we'll have a full game available for distribution.

In the meantime you can enjoy our latest trailer and follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

Good afternoon, fellow dev-bloggers, future players and internet busybodies!

We're in the middle of January, and every minute makes us closer to the "quality trial" that will judge if we can endure the project and keep the development or if our adventure ends right here. We have a good feeling about it, and we can bet that it will not be the last you'll hear about this Drowned Adventures. Mark our words.

In the meantime, we'll keep providing you with weekly insight for our development. Even so, in this few days we even managed to program a torpedo system and we're currently working in the level design.

Good morning, fellow dev-bloggers, future players and internet busybodies!

A few weeks ago we introduced you to one of our artist's concept art on our "wolf" protagonist. Today we'll show you his version of the other playable character, the Walrus Captain.

The first-draft narrative approach is that he used to be a high-rank officer in the Navy, but he was dismissed and thus ended up working with scoundrels and turned into a "gentleman of fortune" himself. In terms of leadership he's the cold-minded, strategical one as opposed to the Wolf Captain that acts as the right opposite of him, a more hot-headed, impulsive individual.

We were heavily inspired by Steam's Blackwake characterization of factions, as we wanted to make the differences between them as obvious as we could through their gear and looks: The Walrus is a uniformed, elegant individual that wears his authority upon his sleeve, and the Wolf is more like a natural-born practical leader used to solve problems himself.

Think of it as Han Solo and Captain Picard working together to make the same ship go through, or the World of Warcraft setup of characters from the Alliance and the Horde. Through that difference between characters we can turn the bickering between players into some really fun narrative that makes them go deeper into the game-universe.

Personaje Morsa

Good morning, fellow dev-bloggers, future players and internet busybodies!

This is our first journal entry in 2019. New year, new me, and new game if everything goes as planned.

Today we want to talk about the tone of the game and some of it's inspirations for art, gameplay and narrative. Drowned Adventure is set in a diesel-punk version of our world in the period between World War I and World War II. Instead of human beings, expect antropomorphic animals to inhabit the place. We are heavily influenced by the spanish BD called BlackSad (Which is soon expected to have a videogame of it's own) and the crazy aesthetics and character designs from the heavily underrated movie Rango.

If you've ever seen Tales of the Golden Monkey, or the spoof from Archer "Danger Island", you are familiar with the tone we want to use for this particular story. The adventure serial genre that was quite popular during the 30s and it was probably the main inspiration behind the Indiana Jones trilogy.

We couldn't make a game about submarines without referencing a movie like Das Boot, though we have in mind too a small recent movie called Black Sea, which is sort of an underwater version of The Treasure of Sierra Madre.

And of course, since our team is made of people born in the 90s we also had in mind Disney's Atlantis the Lost Empire. A movie most people in our generation grew to love and we consider it was quite underrated.

Good morning, fellow dev-bloggers, future players and internet busybodies!

(It seems yesterday's entry was deleted some way or another, "internet magic", so here's the original captain's log as it was scheduled)

Here we are again, on New Year's Eve, working every day to make a better game. However, we ain't here to complain about "hard work on holidays", so let us tell you about another feature of our game: the magnet.

There'll be times in Drowned Adventure when you'll find an object (a valuable one) that you may be unable to catch on your own using the diving suit. Perhaps there's danger outside the ship, or maybe it's because it's in a small hole so thin and so deep for you to go and get it. That's why we have a magnet onboard.

It's actually a magnetic ball attached to a rope. To control it you need to enter the magnet controls in the diving room. From there you'll be able to make the magnetic ball go up and down, left and right, using the left joystick. Of course you can use it to bring some metallic valuables closer to you, like scrap-iron (which is our in-game currency) or any mysterious item that you may need in your quest for Atlantis.

So, this is the last blog of 2018. "See you next year", sort of saying, and we'll keep talking about Drowned Adventure's features as the date of the vertical slice release grows near...Happy 2019!