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Dracohouston - - 3 comments @ How to - Design a map for Pokémon3D

A fork of the game engine modified to let the user create entities with their mouse that generates the tags for you and saves them to the .dat file would be helpful, even if you just kept it to yourself, it would simplify the process a lot.

A simpler solution could be done maybe with 2d tiles where you draw it like it would look on the gameboy and it generates the basic geometry of the map for you to go in and tweak by hand, to remove some of the busywork. That'd be kind of a band aid solution though

Good karma+2 votes
Dracohouston - - 3 comments @ Pokémon3D

I'm a bit disappointed that I couldn't even finish the first errand you run, but that is understandable, however, here are some suggestions:
- I like the camera modes you have in but you should also support a top down view like the original. The game wouldn't be very 3d but IMO it should be an option
- Add the option to side step/backpedal, so you can move in more directions than forward. In 3rd person especially it feels cumbersome to move
- Related, but the turn keys shouldn't try and act as a keyboard version of free look, it would be easier to get around if a and d swung your character around up to 90 degrees at a time, snapping in the 4 directions leading to adjacent tiles
- Battle music and sounds for the abilities would really add a lot. I don't doubt this is coming but IMO it should come sooner rather than later

Keep at it, I'm honestly surprised no one has gotten this sort of thing going before. Looking forward to seeing this improve with time.

Good karma+1 vote
Dracohouston - - 3 comments @ Pokémon3D

These are linked in the trouble shooting page in the launcher, I had the .net framework but not the xna 4 runtimes. They are both free and very small downloads.

Good karma+2 votes