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Comment History
DominusRexImperialis - - 5 comments @ Lindon God Tier

- Himring Blade Lords
- Elostirion Wardens
- Sons of Osse
- Warriors of the Sea

Good karma+1 vote
DominusRexImperialis - - 5 comments @ Cardolan Sharpshooters

I'd like to see a unit from the river-city of Tharbad. The unit should take a lot of inspiration from the Gondorians; after all, the city of Tharbad was ruled jointly by Cardolan and Gondor.

Good karma+1 vote
DominusRexImperialis - - 5 comments @ Dead of Marshes

I'd love to see this unit on the battlefield soon. I'd like to add that there should be Easterling, Rohirrim (representing the Eotheod, their ancestors) and Gondorian bodies in the mix; the Dead Marshes weren't home only to the dead of the War of the Last Alliance.

Good karma+1 vote
DominusRexImperialis - - 5 comments @ Lindon Sneakpeak

A beautiful looking unit. I'd probably call it the 'Gil-galad Guard' or 'Gil-galad's Spearmasters'. They have spears and Gil-galad was famous for his spear Aeglos, and he was the High King of the Noldor and the King of Lindon.

Good karma+3 votes
DominusRexImperialis - - 5 comments @ Rohan Royal Swords

I hope you don't mind, but I want to suggest some units for the factions, especially the good:
Guardians of the Fords (Rohan) - These men have been tasked with defending the Fords of Isen from any trespassers, whether they be Dunlending, Orc, or something far worse. These warriors are more hardened and seasoned than your average footmen.
(Spear Unit)

Lebennin Paladins (Gondor) - The greatest warriors that the Gondorian province has to offer. Men hardened by constant invasions by Corsairs from Umbar and Harad, they will ride down any who stand in their path.
(Elite Heavy Cavalry Unit)

Outwall Guard (Gondor) - Warriors that protect the great Outwall of Rammas Echor. Armed with halberds, they can hold off any invading force for a very long time. (Halberdier Unit)

Himring Arrowlords (Lindon) - The protectors and wardens of the ancient fortress of first son of Feanor, they are the sons (or descendants) of the personal guard of the Maedhros Feanorion himself.
(More-Elite-than-Elite Archer Unit)

Elostirion Wardens (Arthedain) - Men carrying vicious spears and wearing silver armor, they will protect the last of the Palantiri remaining in the hands of the Free Peoples even if it meant their deaths.
(Elite Spear Unit)

Steward's Marksmen (Gondor) - The Steward's own bodyguard on the battlefield; armed with bows of hollow steel and greatswords, they can go toe-to-toe with even the greatest archers amongst the Elves.
(Elite Archer Unit)

Lamedon Highlanders (Gondor) - Descended from the primitive Middle Men of the Blackroot Vale, they are shorter, and less stronger than their Numenorean brothers, but they make up for it in brutal savagery and hardiness, slashing their foes apart with their greatswords.
(Greatsword Unit)

Firebeard Battleborn (Dwarves) - Descending from their fortresses in the Blue Mountains to fight alongside their Longbeard cousins, they will break through any enemy lines and slaughter anything that gets in their way.
(Elite Battleaxe Unit)

Eregion Forgemasters (Imladris) - The banished folk of Eregion, they have a deep hatred for Sauron and the Orcs, and desire to reclaim their homeland. Armored in mithril, they are a tough nut to crack.
(More-Elite-than-Elite Sword Unit)

Warriors of Baldor (Rohan) - The warriors formed by King Brego in honor of his son Prince Baldor of Rohan, who ventured into the Paths of the Dead only to never return. Clad in golden armor and armed with a greatsword, they will cut a bloody swathe through units.
(Elite Greatsword Unit)

Good karma+2 votes