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danielsli - - 1 comments @ Hearts of Iron III: Modern Warfare

Tried this out last couple of days. I can tell a lot of hard work and TLC went into it already, so kudos to you guys.

- Absolutely no difficulty installing the mod, loads up without any problems (long loading time even on solid state drive, though)
- Interfaces are smooth and easy to use for an HOI3 player
- Game plays like HOI3 for the most part, no obvious problems with the basics

- Naval ranges are way too short, and rebase often isn't available. As France, for example, I couldn't get transports from Marseille to pick up my troops in Djibouti, Mauritius and French Guyana because they were out of range of my transports. Any country with a vestigial empire will have problems with this (UK, France, Netherlands, maybe USA). Underway replenishment has come a long way since WW2 and a tech tree just for that, boosting naval range, would be a very sound way to add the 21st Century feel. You don't need a huge network of coaling stations and colonies in order to project power around the world anymore, if you have enough support ships and underway replenishment expertise.
- Afghanistan (both parts) have national unity way too high. It should be under 40 for the Northern Alliance and 30 at most for the Taliban. Come to think of it, any Anarchy should have a national unity cap of about 40, and need to reform their government to a different form via decision before national unity can rise any higher. That really gives you the right sense of a failed state, and also a way to climb out of it.
- It is extremely difficult for small countries to do any research, which makes sense given you can count the makers of modern military equipment on two hands IRL (USA, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea). Production licenses will therefore naturally play a bigger role in MW than in vanilla, which is right for the 21st Century. However, the lack of education and computer tech trees means a backwards nation can't catch up. Those tech trees should be included and be very powerful, on the order of what Westernization was in Vicky 2. You can go from rocks to lasers in half a century like South Korea and Taiwan did in the 20th. It's all about education. Also that encourages nations at peace to plow all their leadership into research (as the strong economies do IRL).
- Not much for the player to do in peacetime right now

Good karma+3 votes