Fallout: Tokugawa. A quest mod for Fallout 4 that continues the story of Kago Toshiro

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act one - the commonwealth

act two - zeta mothership

act three - edo japan

tasks / % complete

story line - 100%

modelling japan - 85%

temples - 100%, shrines - 100%, houses - 75%, npc - 55%, props - 35%, nature - 100%, set dressing - 75% ...

modelling zeta - 45%

level 1 - 100%, level 2 - 25%, flight deck - 45%, shuttle F - 100%, shuttles 1~5 A - 100%, set dressing - 35% ...

world space - 3%

idles - 5%

main quest line - act 1 - 85%, act 2 - 0%, act 3 - 0%

side quests - 0%

dialogue scripts - 85%

voice actors - 5% (VAのキャスティング - ネイティブ日本人でなければなりません) - メールは

papyrus scripts -30%

animation - 45%

audio ambiences - 10% (opening for: ambient composer(s) - soundscape, background) - contact

audio theme - 100%

trailer - 0%

alpha - tbc

beta - tbc

v1.0 release - winter 2022 / spring 2023