Randomguy7 is a mod enthusiast with his own blog and let's play channel. He is a fan of FPS games of many varieties, and is a hardcore doom enthusiast.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 48)


Early access mod review

10/10 would die instantly from someone coughing on me again


Boiled Doom (Brutal Doom for DOS/Chocolate)

Early access mod review

The actual madman. This legit feels like brutal doom. It needs some work though- the reload of the starting rifle needs a sound, and the deaths and xdeaths need to be randomized properly, but besides that, it's literally Brutal Doom in vanilla. I highly reccommend using the source port "russian doom" for proper widescreen-support. It's a Crispy Doom fork.

I honestly thought this mod looked kinda sketchy at first. No name modder... then I played it. Wow! I never imagine I could have so much fun with the new ******* it tore for me!
In all honesty, this mod is absolutely brutal doom meets complex doom, and it absolutely revels in ******* your **** to kingdom come. It's so freaking hard.



Early access mod review

this mod really shows proimise. there are a few minor complaints:
1. the weapons don't really feel right yet. the weapons should probably be made to act more like halo. the mod would be drastically better if the author would just replace them with halo weapons entirely, or modify them to behave exactly like their counterparts. as it stands, walking over weapons doesn't replenish ammo. The author tries to remedy this by spawning ammo pickups, but this doesn't always work as intended.

2. the shield mod can be its own mod entirely. perfect for brutal doom- there should be overshields for armor pickups, and maybe an option to have the halo 2 health system with the faster shield and maybe 1 or no health.

3. The chainsaw cannot be picked up.

The fact of the matter is, Halo and Doom share many similarities, and this mod has much to offer. In future versions, the mod may even be a 9.5 out of ten. If this shapes up to be like D4T, then this mod could very be one of the best.
The shield mod is a 9 out of ten for convenience factor.



Mod review

not a very good mod. uses gamebanana models and horrible maps with only pistol pickups.


F.E.A.R. Complete Edition

Mod review

No akimbo pistols after picking up a second one. Literally unplayable. Yes, I know there is also the FEAR 2 pistol, but the original pistol was useless unless you got the amazing akimbo pistols.


Syndicate DeBloom

Mod review

aww yaaasss


Gritty Doom

Mod review

For those who love smooth doom but want more gore, go no further. Well, tack on droplets mod for good measure since thats the one that works best for smoothdoom and this sub-mod. looks gritty as promised, and smooth doom is killer as it is.


BOOM: Anatoly in Time

Game review

Well, the game seems like a speedmapping project or a troll mod. The shooting is... well, enjoyable to an extent... but the later maps are just silly. First of all, the final map isn't there, and everything's invisible! I'm pretty sure you're just supposed to wander around, but... heck, it's an enjoyable 10-or-so minutes, it kept me interested. There's really only one enemy (besides the zombie level where you're armed with only a non-animated crowbar) and it really is only worth it if you want a timewaster.


Smod: CryLife

Mod review

awesome! i really think this game is good. it has lots of potential. the mod is simple enough to play but still is fun!

the HEV nanosuit is a nice touch! i wonder if there will be a worldmodel for it...