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RSS Reviews

Red Alert 3: Shock Therapy

Mod review

This is an outstanding mod that improves upon vanilla Ra3 in almost every way, from the balancing, new units, maps, effects and tweaks, this mod injects some much needed life and fixes into Red Alert 3. Highly recommended.

Oh, and to all those people giving this a 1/10, or 3/10 and saying "Not Working"... Can you honestly be THAT stupid? How can you come to a highly rated mod, read many reviews giving this a 9 or 10, and not realise that if it doesn't work then maybe, just maybe, YOU did something wrong. Seriously, do you think every comment saying it works is a lie, and everyone else has posted glowing reviews purely to confusing and misleading you?
Try using your brain.
If the overwhelming majority of people can get it to work just fine, how stupid do you have to be to not realise that YOU are the problem here? How about not dragging down the average score of an excellent mod because you're an idiot and can't get it to work? I see this kind of idiocy all across the web, morons lowering the average score for everyone by being morons. If it doesn't work for you, fine. The key phrase there is doesn't work FOR YOU, not doesn't work period. Ask for help. Keep trying. Complain. But do NOT claim the fault is anything other than your own, and do NOT go around telling people it doesn't work when clearly it does.

Rant over :)


Red Alert 3: Uprising

Game review

C&C: Red Alert 3

Game review

Red Alert 3: Upheaval

Mod review

IMHO, this is what Uprising should've been. Upheaval blends the best of RA3 and Uprising together, adds the much needed Multiplayer (which was shamefully missing from Uprising) along with all the Uprising maps, which seemed kinda wasted trapped in the original offline only expansion.
Upheaval also has the advantage of bringing the RA2 1.12 patch changes into play combined with the new units (something missing from Uprising, as it stands it is actually less patched than RA3, despite being released the following year).
Upheaval also seems to run smoother and have better path finding than either RA3 or Uprising. In addition, despite the many problems with the Origin CNC Ultimate Collection version of RA3, this mod (if used in combination with the Bibber's "Fixed Launchers for The Ultimate Collection") works just fine :)
Simply put, this is one of the finest mods I have ever played. Huge thanks to Bibber, for making this possible! 10/10