Welcome to my profile! I am a DOOM modder and fan, and am currently working on projects, and taking pretty screenshots, of course. You may have found me from EDAY: Custom Edition, or my metal OSTs. Look foward to my content, because I try and make it the best it can be. You can find my Twitter, Steam, and Google stuff down below.

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Doom II Metal Soundtrack Addon is out NOW!

Cipherz_Gaming Blog

Hey everyone, quick update. I released the DOOM II Metal OST yesterday and it's up for grabs. The Credits are in the README.txt file, and I will be updating the Doom Metal Soundtrack to Version 1.2 soon. So stay tuned for that, and RIP AND TEAR!

Machinegun Addon for Doom is out now!

Cipherz_Gaming Blog

Hey Guys! The new machine pistol is currently out under the addons page of my account. Go over there and check it out, you'll hopefully enjoy it! I need to credit Realm667 for the sprites and stuff, so give them some love, and go make some mods with them! Moddb.com

Doom Metal Soundtrack V1.1 is released

Cipherz_Gaming Blog

Hey guys, so it's been a while since I last updated the OST so I thought I may as well do it now. You can go find it under Addons on my page. Thanks everyone for the continued support! I will keep up as much as possible.