Star Wars Empire At War. The Dr. Chelli Lona Aphra of Mods

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Droid Studies 101: Modding

Ukiyo_Kayko Blog

University of Bar'leth

Droid Studies 101: Modding

It is the intent of this mod post to accelerate innovation while delivering a more powerful and complete modding resource experience for Star Wars Empire At War Forces of Corruption.

We meet you here at the convergence between gamer and producer of mod content. We believe the player is the best judge of content value. Our guiding principles lead us to view modding as a frontier of exploration. The existing online community space of fan-made production is a precious resource. Modding is an art form.

Our goal is to create a frictionless learning curve for our modders and eliminating immaterial labor by providing as many tools and materials we can gather. That single objective can only be achieved with a better-personalized partnership with the modding community we serve. All credits to the creator.

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