I haven't gamed for two years, this is the first attempt back my gaming life! So, lets wish for the luck of it! Excited.

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First game!

ChelleBelleMurder Blog

Hi! Nobody probably looks at this shit, but I am here and back from a long journey of a crazy relationship. Stopped me from gaming. BUT, it was for the best, since I was gaming non stop. So now I ain't so fucking crazy. I want to introduce myself maybe through my Kongregate account as Rocon. I miss that name, Chellebelle will do just fine though.

My first game of choice will be Cry of Fear, I watch PewdiePie play it and it looks fucking scary and awesome. Might give me nightmares, but wtf else will I do while sleeping..?

Alright! Fuck yes, here I come.. finally.


PS. Reading Hack Slash right now, shes super hot and I love her story to MURDER every fucking thing! So thats why shes posted through out my profile. Also i dislike SG, but love that ass!
