I am indeed a person.

RSS Reviews

A Late Night Drink

Mod review

On the good side:

+Good story, and storytelling techinques
+Very different, almost standalone feel to other Amnesia mods (And a great one at that)
+Felt like its own game (Especially with the use of a hub world)
+Executed emotional response perfectly (Made me feel the feels, friend. As well as laugh the laughs, fear the fears, contemplate existence, etc.)
+Concise, flowing, and changing beginning, middle, and end
+Good level design (Every environment felt different)
+Good character design
+Good sound design
+Good scripted events

...On the other hand:
-Game/Experience-breaking bugs/glitches
-Bad puzzle direction and direction in general
-My Experience

I'll be explaining my reasoning in a personal letter to the designer. For those of you reading, I offer you this: Play this mod. It's good.

And to those of you who have already played: Good mod, eh?