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Comment History
centrallvivi - - 5 comments @ Rafasn's Mod

bro even GMod 9 is better than this, stop yapping

Good karma+1 vote
centrallvivi - - 5 comments @ GameBox sandbox mod

i don't think anyone cares about this mod but alright, plus whats the point of giving early access to a mod that has nothing to offer lmao

Good karma+1 vote
centrallvivi - - 5 comments @ GameBox sandbox mod

Ok, sure. Will be interesting to see what you make

Good karma+1 vote
centrallvivi - - 5 comments @ GameBox sandbox mod

Even jbmod is better bro, and I highly doubt you will make anything better than that. I guess cool that you're just doing this for yourself, but NO ONE will want to play this. This mod has no value to the player. I'd rather play GMod 9 or JBMod, which ARE BOTH FREE. I give you like a few weeks and you'll give up 100%. And the progress you got right now.. anyone could do it in a couple of hours if not minutes.

"and i worked on this mod for a year and before the moddb was flooded man before the moddb was flooded with many mods that are the same my work"

Sandbox mods have been here for a VERY long time. A year ago it was already bad as it is now, you are nothing different. Go make something original, or at least introduce some unique features into this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
centrallvivi - - 5 comments @ GameBox sandbox mod

it's funny how all of these sandbox mods use
also the description says: "(its a joke it will be developed till i die)". I'm 100% sure you will give up after you realize that adding features require actual knowledge of programming or at least scripting. Some word of advise from someone who originally started with these kinds of mods is to just stop. Go and make an actual mod, learn mapping, learn what makes a mod good because you will NOT make garry's mod 2, you will not make anything that can compete or come even close to it.

Good karma+1 vote