I've been writing, painting, building, coding, composing, or otherwise creating works in various mixed and digital media for over 30 years. This is only the latest addition to that portfolio, as it were. I post Anomaly gameplay on my Youtube channel, Catspaw Adventures.

RSS Reviews

True Stalker

Mod review

I don't mind the clean, modern aesthetics of the UI, but I have no idea what they were thinking with the inventory screen. It feels really bad to be forced into a separate full-screen menu with no visibility of what's around you. It unnecessarily reinvents the wheel in a way that feels inappropraite for Stalker and really takes me out of the world.

I realize that this mod is supposed to be linear and story-driven by design, and that one shouldn't compare it to a free-roam mod like Anomaly--but it's hard not to when the world feels so empty and static without Alife. I could more easily forgive the overall experience being on rails if those rails were more interesting.

The team has done incredible work on the graphics and sound, and it's clear that a great deal of love and effort went into the project--but to me it just feels like a pretty skin wrapped around a mostly-empty core with little to no replay value.