Ive always been into drawing, painting, and music or any other types of art that allows you to express yourself. Only now I will be expressing myself in the world of 3D. I will be receiving my BA in 2010 and will continue on doing what I know best. The plans of our own company are in the works so watch out for that.

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Company Profile

CaptTom Blog

So we are getting our company profile set up on modd and its coming together and looking pretty good. Im pretty excited about it! We will eventually start posting some more info about are game developments. Its gonna be badass. We hope to get it written up and begin the actual creation of the game real soon. Keep your eyes open we have some stuff that it is gonna blow your mind

Business in Creation

CaptTom Blog

I must say that the involvment and time that goes into developing a great game is important. We have been devoping some stuff and although there is a lot to discuss it is definitely one of the best feelings. To watch a story and characters come to life right in front of you is awesome. So for all those creating there visions and putting it into play......GODSPEED. Let our creative minds make the world more interesting.