A small indie horror dev team. Makers of Alpen Ghoul: Prologue.

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AM teaser trailer (Driving Horror)

BrocBoisGames Blog


Music blares to fend off the silence, and the only thing between you and slamming into the guardrail is a lukewarm gas station coffee. Nights like these, it's important to remember... What makes you so sure that you're alone?

Driving Teaser Small

Teaser Cheerleader Small

AM Logo Small

Click here for the full teaser on X!

AM is a driving horror game. This is just a taste of what's to come; we still have a lot planned.

Check out our first game Alpen Ghoul: Prologue, it's free on steam and itchio.

Re worked Art

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New Horror Teaser

BrocBoisGames Blog

New teaser drop!

The car radio deceived you, making you forget how truly isolated you are on the road at night. It's your only companion... for now.

Keeping things semi-cryptic. The idea is there may be something else...in Game 1.5.

We will be posting gameplay and announcing the games name soon! So be sure to follow us on Xitter and Youtube!

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GAME 1.5 a car-based horror by BrocBois Games

BrocBoisGames Blog

GAME 1.5 a car-based horror by BrocBois Games

(current progress and recap)

The overall idea is that Game 1.5 is a car-based horror game created using Unreal Engine 5. However, we are keeping a lot secret. The game's title and what the player will be doing will be revealed at a later date.

Screenshot of the overall look and feel.

The Vehicle

The car controls like a real car and even takes damage when a heavy impact is dealt. Players can look left and right, adjust the radio and even check the rear view mirror. If you would like to see the full test footage click here > Twitter video of full car test

Very very early footage of the car controls. Most of what's shown here has been updated.


We are very focused on this game running well, but we also want to include very dense foliage. To achieve this, we opted for low-poly models with low-resolution textures. Surprisingly, the result looks and feels strangely real. The environment will also feature numerous buildings and architectural structures.

Running up That Hill by Kate Bush will not be in the official release. It only serves to showcase the vibe we are going for. The cars controls were further updated since this video.

One of Five.Cheerleader-gif

As the title suggests, this is One of Five. One of Five what, you ask? Well, that will be revealed at a later date. The above is a sneak peek, a taste of the horrors that will be in Game 1.5. If you would like to follow development you can follow us on IndieDB and Twitter/X: Twitter.com

We plan on posting a small teaser trailer + a playable demo in the future. :)

You can also try out our first horror game ALPEN GHOUL: Prologue. It's FREE on steam: Store.steampowered.com

Alpen Ghoul: Prologue

Thank you!

Broccoli Bois Games Logo

Game 1.5 update!

BrocBoisGames Blog

One of Five. One of Five

We are cooking up some crazy things for Game 1.5! Follow for more updates.

Progress on Game 1.5

BrocBoisGames Blog

Game 1.5" is starting to feel more like "Game 2". I have such sights to show you.... in a month.

Game 1.5 Progress Image

Game 1.5 Early Test Footage

BrocBoisGames Blog

Early test footage for Game 1.5. Showcasing the look and feel we are going with. Dense forested roads, bright reflective signs, quiet...alone...

Alone...with nothing but the radio..

The music is by Kate Bush-Running Up That Hill (Slowed + Reverb). It will not be in the final game. Again, it's just showcasing the vibe.

Game 1.5 by Brocbois Games

BrocBoisGames Blog

We are making a new horror game! Game 1.5. (Real name to be announced later).

Below is some early gameplay footage in a small test area. This showcases the vehicle the players will be driving. We also have controls for inside the car. Camera controls for turning around and looking left and right, moving the rear view mirror, turning the headlight on/off and playing the radio.

The car also becomes damaged if the players happen to drive poorly.

To see full test footage including what was mentioned above, check out our Twitter! Twitter.com

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We have some fun things coming in the future! Be sure to follow us for more updates!


BrocBoisGames Blog

ALPEN GHOUL is an horror exploration/stealth game. Your goal is to reach the summit alive, but you are not alone. Play smart and tread lightly if you plan on outmaneuvering this relentless hunter.

It's faster than you and it's coming after you. Can you hide, slide, and survive?

Alpen Ghoul: Prologue Trailer


When the creature finds you, and it will find you, the player can escape using a unique slide mechanic. Slide into natural hiding spots or gain distance with the slides speed boost.

Slide Gif


Stealth is very important. Crouching is nearly silent while running is loud. Use natural hiding spots to escape and catch your breath.



The map is large and has multiple routes that all go to the cabin. Use landscape markers and shortcuts to evade the creature. A mastery of the environment is key.

Lanscape Markers


Unique tapes are scattered around the large multi route map. Search for them to unlock secrets and special modes. These special modes can greatly aid the player, but you will have to find them.


Good luck and have fun!


Alpen Ghoul: Prologue is free!