Well not much to say atm.

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So whats up?

Bobowe Blog

Well to be honest not much at this point of time.
I just re-installed HL:2 and SDK and been messing around with that stuff.
And not really anything more to add, just wanted to update.

And as it appear you need at least 300 characters
to even post so i just righting this so it will be 300.

"Bla bla bla" three hundred waisting mine/your time "bla blah!"

Have a nice one.

Bom Bom NO!

Bobowe Blog

So no moding for awhile now, tho im atm in the SC2 beta (ofc;)) so mixing whit the world editor=) mabye will be some awsome maps for there, who knows =) whit the SC:2 world editor u can make so mutch more then the old wc3 :P where u tried to make awsome custom spells but the game whould error and crash:P but im very exited to do some TD maps or some hero wars mabye for the SC2, hope full u can scrpit up some heros or thay alredy implemented it in the origilan editor, we will see^^

And the game atm, is The Whispered World by Daedalic. its an awsome cute well done, "point and click" adventure game, like Monkye island series.

And speeking of cute things i just got my 2 plushy pets form Blizzard, The wind rider and the gryphon=) thay are awsome in game:P (liove the non combat pets) and im the only one i see on my server thta have it=D Shatterd halls (EU) and Ahn'qiraj (EU) (sorry if miss spelt)

And trying atm to do a HL:2 mod whit just one room=) lets see how it turns out.

So for now over ´n out.

New mod, mabye

Bobowe Blog

So i just installed HL:2 and thougt to try on hammer again after about 9 months.. so i messed around abit, and did some half-done maps (like always) and then got this idé about a mod, that you are a combine and hunting after gordon freeman (or something like that) went to moddb didnt take to long until i found a mod about just that... Combine combat (or something like that) it was called...

skiping to the point is, what havent been done in mods... thats is the hard part about doing a mod, to find something new that havent been done.

But well see. I have an ide atm see if im gone do it, have not seen it done befor so. =)

(sorry for bad english;P hope it not to bad)