Indie Game Developer based in the United Kingdom.

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Medieval Survival Game Name Change

BarbarousGames Blog

Medieval Survival Game is now known as Will To Power. It is also now being made in Unreal Engine 4 as you can see from the screenshot below.


Status Update #1

BarbarousGames Blog

I've been busy coding the settlement system which is now starting to come together, the more modular building pieces i add makes more structures possible. So that's what I'm concentrating on for now.

So far players can create and place these building modules:

  • Settlement Foundation Stone ( Placed on terrain to found settlement)
  • Residential Plot ( Settlement plot dimensions are 20x20 Meters )
  • Commercial Plot
  • Industrial Plot
  • Roads (Straight, Turn, T-Junction, Cross Road, Road End)

  • Castle Walls
  • Castle Towers
  • Castle Gate
  • Building Foundation
  • Building Wall
  • Building Window
  • Building Doorway

  • Building Ceiling
  • Fortress Foundation
  • Fortress Wall
  • Fortress Wall Half (half the width..)
  • Fortress Window
  • Fortress Window Half
  • Fortress Doorway
  • Fortress Doorway Half

Mineable nodes are now working, the script that powers these can be setup to allow just about any in game item to be mined but of course we will stick to stones, metal ores and gems :)

Container System also is working, the script can be applied to any item. You can also set the amount of slots in the item inspector so it's possible to add all sorts of random containers.

I will post more updates soon.

Hi Everyone

BarbarousGames Blog


I'm new here but loving it already, looking forward to getting involved in the community here!

A little bit about myself.

My name is Lee, i began programming about 10 years ago with the wonderful (but slightly limited) Blitz3D... (Come on... it still used DX7 when i was using it haha! DX 9 and 10 were already out lol)

I always really wanted to get into making games as a child, i was bought a commodore 16 for my third birthday, then later on we got a Commodore 64, after that an Amstrad CPC 464. At the time programming was well over my head but i always remember playing games thinking how they could be improved etc.

Skip forward about 15 years and i got hold of a copy of Blitz3D, i learned pretty much how to structure a game in this but i was always held back by things like power limitations and also the graphics weren't that great and so you tend to loose motivation.

The next period of my journey i pretty much ended up learning html, CSS, PHP etc which i picked up pretty quickly due to what i had learned in blitz. I then got into wordpress theme creation and became a self employed web dev. Also in this period i worked with video editing MMA events that were held in the UK.. so i was able to get some motion graphics and video editing skills in this period.

After a business relationship ended i stopped doing video editing, and i soon tired from web developement. I needed a break from it, it had also been a long time since i worked on any game stuff and i actually put the game stuff on hold in the hope that i could make a quick buck from web dev. And although i was self employed, business acquisition was a big hurdle and i wasn't the best designer. I am a very good coder in my own opinion, after all this is logic based but the art side of things i hadn't really looked at yet. To improve i started reading about design and typography but this has taken me the longest to pick up and i'm still learning at this point.

After this i started to rekindle the gaming stuff i had put on the back burner and started to focus more on C++. I had tried this in the past but it is not an easy feet. this time round however i had more skills but i still had trouble.. Not with the Coding, but with Visual C++ and the compiling side of things. Until i tried out codeblocks... This enabled me to compile some code which made me happy having always had issues with things in the past. I started to make my own engine with openGL. After getting a cube rendering with triplanar texture splatting, i soon realized how long it was going to take to complete a whole engine before even starting the actual game. So i kinda burned out and went back to wordpress theme developement whilst i recharged my batteries.

It was in this period that i started to hear about Unity and UDK and CryEngine. I had used the level editor of unreal in the past with little success and on the surface it looked similar, i also thought that unity was a joke. Bigger fool me, because i also heard about a new game that had came out called Rust... I got it on steam and played it for the whole night, time just flew by because it was so fun... This is like the honeymoon period of a marriage lol, and i don't get that with many games these days. Some of the classics which i was able to become engrossed in was Thief 1, 2 and 3, Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity, Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. There are more but these games kept me up all night at points in my life, and until i played Rust, this hadn't happened for a long time! So thanks RUST!


I then found out rust was made in Unity which gave me the motive to actually check it out for myself and when i did i was sold instantly!

Unity has so many feature and stuff taken care for you that it saves you so much time and enables you to get on with the actual creation of your game.

So here i am today, working on a survival first person game set in the medieval period.

I've run on a lot now so i'll wrap it up here, if you have any questions you are welcome to message me and also feel free to add me, i am here to network after all.

I look forward to speaking to you all.

All the best,