I'm a huge Sci-fi fan. Mass Effect Halo, Star Wars, Farscape, Firefly, Serenity, well a lot more. But Mass Effect and Halo are right there on the first two most fav's. :). I know a lot about coding, and coverting models, whould love to learn more about modeling, and texturing. Ummm... Well I don't know what else to say. Send me a friend request?? lol...

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Blah Blah blahblahblah... Ummm... Blah and some more blah's.

Yes I'm bored, Just don't like seeing my pages empty. Sorry if this bothers you. Truthfully I don't care. XOXOXO!! :) hehe. <<<< I tryied to post this after the hehe, said the content field must be at least 300 characters in length, so I'm just gonna sit here and keep typing blah blah blah for a bit, feel free to skip this part. Not like anyone is gonna read this anyways.... Or I hope nobody does. :p. Blah Blah Blah blahblahblah