I am the Concept Artist for revolutionary Minecraft mod, Realms of Argoth.

Comment History
AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ August News - UA Mod

I'd like to point out that an Imperial Guardsman would never speak to a space marine in the same manner as they do in the Ultimate Apocalypse campaign, especially not the chief librarian of the Blood Ravens.
Also why exactly do the imperial titans move as if they are breathing. The Reaver in particular seems a bit overactive.

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AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ Screenshots

I think some of the voice acting for some units could use some improvement, if possible you guys should consider getting a few more people to do it. Currently the voices are much too similar. Other than that things seem to be going great.

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AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ 100% of an awesome evil image!

No, I know my Warhammer, I am thinking of these larger ones called trioliths and starcrushers.

Good karma+2 votes
AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ 100% of an awesome evil image!

Obvious oversized monolith is obvious

Good karma+4 votes
AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ 25% of an awesome screenie!

Hahahaha I see where this is going...

Good karma+3 votes
AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ Small Update: Big Mek's Kustom Force Field

On an unrelated note I just had the idea to implement a building demolition button on each of the buildings, I had a frustrating time recently when my Stormblade got stuck behind a building so i had to use earthshakers for ages to take down the structure. So yeah, building demolition.

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AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ Version 1.73: Sneak Peak

Idk.. the titans seem to have the wrong scale.. perhaps I am just seeing things.

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AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ Plague Marines redux - Opinions wanted!

I'm not that keen on any of them to be honest.

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AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ (OUTDATED!) Ultimate Apocalypse Patch - 1.72.7

Found a few more bugs.
- Nearly all Eldar units use the wrong colours in the Kaurava campaign.
- Some Ork units use the wrong colours in the Kaurava campaign.
I don't know about you but I am seeing a pattern here...
Might be a good idea to check all the colour scheme systems in the Kaurava campaign for all the races.

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AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ Sneak Peak 8 - Wraithguard VO

Seems a bit.. chaotic for Eldar..

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AlkatrazQ44 - - 11 comments @ (OUTDATED!) Ultimate Apocalypse Patch - 1.72.7

Found a bunch of bugs for you guys, Ive been a lurking fan of this mod for ages and you didn't fix half of these bugs in this new update so I thought I had better speak up.

-Dreadnought right arm UV mapping is buggy, the texture loads up completely wrong.
-Game crashes when converting a Force Commander to a Chapter Master
-Game crashes when a Chaos Sorcerer Lord is created.
-Every survival map will crash with a fatal SCAR error once the Apocalypse begins, AKA after you kill the second boss, usually a small titan.
-Heirophant will change its scale repeatedly when doing different animations. Example: Walking around it will be undersized then suddenly grow to full size in combat.
- Reaver Titan will shrink massively when going from offline to online.
- Most Titans are scaled wrong.
- Strange buggy turrets spawn on the Kaurava Campaign: Space Marine Headquarters mission.
- Nearly All units for each race in the Kaurava campaign are textured wrong, untextured or using the wrong army scheme.
-UA: Campaign, Space Marine Scouts are stuck with a Blood Angels/ Blood Raven scheme no matter what scheme you choose.

Thats all Ive got for now, I'll keep looking for more. Nice work on the mod btw :D

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