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Adv3ntur0us3 - - 1 comments @ Sharonthecat

The Final Nights
is an 'interesting' VTMB variation/evolution.

Having played through the vanilla and Clan Quest games, I was initially very interested, excited even, in playing through TFN.
The greater order of difficulty; the updated graphics; 'new' weapons; additional quests and characters; and, the new sounds & songs collections - are all much needed and very, very welcome BONUSES.
As was the the 'Skip Intro' option, in all subsequent games after the first! Seriously, if had to wait through that again I might have gone postal!
For all these additions Zeromorph and crew need to seriously THANKED!!!!

However, now it comes to gameplay and there are several issues of concern which, for me, ripped the heart and the fun out of this game variant:

1. The absolute necessity of doing the Tutorial
If you don't you have to buy a lockpick ($160 @ Trip's), don't get the gun & ammo, and don't get the 2 XP - and in this game every dot of XP is seriously needed

2. The money awarded in VTMB is seriously nerfed (EG. you now ony get $75 for all three blood packs rather than the $360 one commanded in VTMB), while, the price of everything has gone up. This is most apparent in the need to purchase the Skill Books (for more than $500 each) that were available as quest rewards or through reasonable purchase from Trip).
The prices of all "Sell" items have also been seriously reduced. Even using console controls to get extra dosh have been retarded.

3. The XP awarded, like money available, has been similarly cut back. ie - you get less XP for the quests.
This has been partialy offset by the reduction in XP costs for "Abilities" (Talents/Skills/Knowledges) - down from 3 => 2 on first dot only. And in Humanity whick costs only 2 (1 if Ishtari) XP.
Also, The XP costs of Disciplines have been raised to multiles of 6 AND ADDING TWO EXTRA DISCIPLES - Blood Heal & Blood Buff which require the same exponentials of 6 XP).
This makes Disciplies really unattractive this really hurts throughout the game.

4. Most of the "Occult Items" have been greatly redcedin power and now have to be bought. I paid in excess of $1200 for Saulocet from Mr Ox - only to find that because of the Xp minimising, it was virtually useless.

5. Haggle and Inspection are now absolutely necessary if one is to have any chance at all.

6. Unarmed disciplines have been nerfed to the point of ridiculousness. DO NOT PLAY A BRAWL or unsneaky' MELEE oriented character in this game as you will die often and uselessly.

Right from the start of my play-through, I was faced with the very unfun of in-my-face poverty/scarcity - with no in-game way around it. And it was very frustrating and demeaning to see the books that I needed to boost important initial skills languishing - wehile I necessarily spent valuable XP just to cover their functions, just dollars from my needy, mouse-clicking finger tips. IE. I had to spend XP to buy the functions demanded for play-through that the books would have supplied. The result is that the 'beinner-level' books have all been made redundant by Z'mrph & crew.

This cuts to the very heart(lessness) of TFN because rather than just being more difficult and immersive TFN is demeaning, frustrating and UNFUN. Further, it reduces all gamesplay down to the necessity of just two things: GUNS & MONEY. There is even a 'lawyer' in there now to complete the tripartite trope (Silvia Black) - but like everthing in this game - IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY.

By the time I had recovered the Anhkaran Sarcofagus (Govanni quest) I was so fed up, frustrated, unfunned, and just plain ****** off that I was actually experiencing a Learned Helplessness and the only way to get my power back was to breaak out the CONTROL COMMANDS. But, by that time, the game, was over for me and all of the escapist fun I so looked forward to, had been stolen by the sadistic, or at least actively Schadenfreude-ic, Mr/Ms Zeromorph & crew - with their intrinsic love of the great american dream / lie.

1. Don't let the bastards get you down
2. Break out the console commands right from the start
3. Remember that the new names of weapons / books / etc, are only that - and that all the 'usual' commands still work (However, I would be careful about repurposed occult items)

Good karma+1 vote