Teenager who wants to get into game creation. Primarily through Half Life 2 modding.

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Welcome to Black Mesa

16note Blog

So okay, this title has several meanings.

1) I am a huge Half-Life fan
2) This is my first post
3) See 1 and 2.

Yes, I have joined ModDB because I have had a mod idea (Surprise!). Over time I'll try to develop the idea, but the fact that I have school and other things in RL means I may not actually get many things done over time...also right now I'm writing this to no one, since no one reads my blog right now...

Well, I guess that's it for my first entry. I'll post more about my idea as I just start to brainstorm and begin to plan out how this mod will work. All I have right now is a setting: a dystopian city a la "1984". Not sure where I can build from there, but we'll see what happens.