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having troubles? or you don't know something? (Groups : Hamachi Servers Group : Forum : Mapping : having troubles? or you don't know something?) Locked
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XAttus Group Leader
Jan 25 2009 Anchor

Guys!, If you map, and you stuck somewhere, here is the place to ask!
I'm waiting for questions...

OK, some basic things in FAQ style:

Q: How can I set SP-s? (Start Points)
A: create a waypoint where you want to start, then rename it to PLayer_1_start

Q: How can I make things to move? (Reqiure basic scripting)
A: Name your unit, then set a waypoint where you want to move it. (you can match waypoints to create routes)
Open Script editor and create a new script. Under the Actions if true tab, click on NEW... then set a move command whit the unit's name and the waypoint route's name. The command can be found under the Unit > Move group.

Q: How can I make things unmanned/bobbytrapped? (Reqire basic scipting)
A:Name your unit, then create a script. Under the Unit > status you will find the correct command. Simply set the unit's name, then click OK.

Q: How can I make the AI work in skirmish maps?
1. set the starting points.
2. go to Edit> player list, then click on the button named Set Skirmish players , then click OK.
3. You need to create polygons, as well as waypoints. Click on the Polygon tool, then create an area around your SP.
Name it to InnerPerimeter1. Create a second area around your SP and name it to OuterPerimeter1
4. There are 3 attack routes that the AI use when sending units on you. their names are: Center, Flank, BackDoor
Create a waypoint route. (it must end inside the areas). Then set the Path name to Center1. then create a second one, and the third one with the name Flank1, Backdoor1.
Do this again with the second SP, the names will be InnerPerimeter2, OuterPerimeter2, Center2, Flank2, Backdoor2.

5. Finally, Create an area around the whole map, except the Perimeter areas you just created. Name it to: Combat Zone

Edited by: XAttus

Jan 30 2009 Anchor

Thnks ATUS.

Here'z another question for you.

How do you make dams blow up and make a flood? How do you flood bridges?

Here is ANOTHER question : How do you make default starting units for a team?

I am referring for example:
If I had two teams, and I wanted one team to start off with two Cold Fusion Reactors and two Overlords, how would I do that?

Edited by: Invunarble

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