Raspberry Pi An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte! The RaspBerry Pi is a credit-card sized computer, powerful enough to run 1080p video and Quake III Arena. Has ARM (11) based processor at heart, running at 700mhz with 256MB RAM. Has an Ethernet connection for network/internet capability, two USB 2.0 slots, HDMI and SD-card slot. You can plug it into any old TV (RCA Video) or monitor (HDMI) Designed and built by a charity for teaching kids to program and educating people about computer science in general. Make yourself a 24/7 server, portable console with emulator for playing old classics, home media center, whatever you choose to do with this device, you can, because you are in control thanks to Free Open source software running it.

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OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi AKA $25 HTPC

OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi AKA $25 HTPC

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OpenELEC is a Free Open source small GNU/Linux distribution built from scratch as a platform to turn your computer into a complete XBMC media center...

Raspberry Pi (momentarily) more popular than Chuck Norris

Raspberry Pi (momentarily) more popular than Chuck Norris

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It seems that for a little while last week, there were more searches worldwide for “Raspberry Pi” than there were for “Lady Gaga” and "Chuck Norris...