Dedicated group, there are members"basic, intermediate and advanced" in blender 3d, for the growth and education of the Blender 3D software.

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Walk Simulation

Walk Simulation

Adventures of Hanzo

Procedural Walk Simulation. Using My GLSL Bone Shader.

Python scripts for Blender

Python scripts for Blender


Post "Python scripts for Blender" in Inglish and PT_BR

Free Booklet on programming in Python with Blender 2.5

Free Booklet on programming in Python with Blender 2.5


Handout free with programming python blender 3d..............

Blender - Football game for mobile

Blender - Football game for mobile


Um jogo de futebol (chutes a gol) em 3D para celular, totalmente modelado e texturizado no Blender, programado em java utilizando a engine Ardor 3D.

Blender - script suicidators

Blender - script suicidators


Script para blender que permite vocĂȘ criar um cidade inteira...

Blender Artist new group

Blender Artist new group


Group "Blender Artist" is one group, for developers blender 3d