Zandagort is a browser-based sci-fi MMORTS developed by Hungarian indie game studio Zanda Games. What makes Zandagort unique? A realistic ecological model (Lotka-Volterra) with 54 species that limit the growth opportunities of the players. A realistic economical model (Input-Output) with 33 buildings, 17 resources and complex production chains. And last but not least spaceships are not just countdowns but moving objects on the map, making geostrategy, fog of war, diversion operations and other tactical maneuvers part of the game.

RSS Reviews

aunt.washington says

Agree Disagree

Not that I played many facebook games but that would be the last comparision I would make. Yes it's browserbased, yes it has no animation, yes it's not 3d, but if you look for real strategic depth like any great rts games you came to the right place. From the tactical level of controlling individual ships and fleets in combat to long-term decisions like planet classes and diplomacy you have it all.

Your disappointment might stem from the fact that it's a niche game mainly for hardcore strategy lovers. It's not an action based rts like starcraft nor a tamagotchi like travian.


Spr09 says

Agree Disagree (1)

not what i was expecting, thought it was an rts and not like one of those games you'd find on facebook. very disappointed :/


stampp says


Thluinor says


alvarezlopez says


firstman says


TomiRobot says


Hyperallat says


esoues says


balu3 says