Wrath Of The Goliaths: Dinosaurs is a hunting game, set in a future where plants have took over the planet and hunters have to go through intense military type training in order to gain access to the hunting grounds.* The game will features many huntable and unlockable dinosaurs, from Apatosaurus to Tyrannosaurus Rex. The hunter has access to military weapons in order to control the population of the dinosaurs. To begin hunting, the player will use their "perma-money", currency you earn with each kill and depending on the size of the animal, you get more or less. This money is then used as credit, it is your spending limit, but you will have the same amount of money next time you go hunting. Each dinosaur costs a certain amount of currency, and you can not hunt if you go over the budget Death surrounds you as you go hunting through various levels throughout the game, from a crocodilian like monster, to a towering beast who's flick of their tail can kill you. * - A work in progress

Add job Report WOGD - Sound Designer - Unreal Engine 4 at Ascendence Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Audio/Music located Anywhere.

Posted by Ascendence Studios on

The Ascendence Studios team is looking for an audio designer, having experience in Unreal Engine is required. You will be tasked with adding audio to several dinosaurs, the expansive environments, and some audio for the hunters.

The dinosaurs range from small Compsognathus, to the titanic Sauropods! We will require you to design audio for roaring, footsteps, attacking, dying, and hurt sound effects.

The weapon arsenal begins with a pistol and ends with high powered sniper rifles. This will be the easiest, as it will only need a reload sound, firing, and equip/remove sounds.

The hunters will be voiceless, so only grunts and movement sounds.

The environments, since they are expansive and various, will require ocean/river audio ques, forest ambiance, desert ambiance, and snowy plains ambiance.

A lot of audio is already made from our current and previous audio designers.

We are looking for someone who has a varied skill in audio design, we will also like to hear from someone who is able to excel in one of our needs.


You can check out the other images of past dinosaurs here: Indiedb.com

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Ascendence Studios


The Team

Joe Thom (Sr. Technical Sound Designer) : Sonicinnovations.co.uk
Matt Hellewell (Jr. Technical Sound Designer): linkedin.com
Jered Gates(Sound Designer/Music) : Soundcloud.com
Manuel (Manuelsaurus) Gil(Lead Model Designer) : Manuelsaurus.deviantart.com
Matthew Duncan(Lead Developer) : Fbth.deviantart.com
Sebastian Ruiz (Photography)
Ulrike (Illustrator): c-compiler.deviantart.com
Iguanoraptor123 (Skin Designer): iguanoraptor123.deviantart.com
PyroTheRaptor(Skin Designer): pyroraptor19.deviantart.com


-FBTH (Matthew)

To Apply

Send an email to wrathofthegoliaths@gmail.com

We will respond in 1 to 5 days