Explore a hand-painted fairy tale world, dive into unusual adventures, experience positive storyline and discover secret Knowledge.



Viktor Mazhlekov
Based in Bulgaria

Release date:




Explore a hand-painted fairy tale world, dive into unusual adventures, experience positive storyline and discover secret Knowledge.


About the game

World of Dabado is a story-driven puzzle/RPG game, designed in the spirit of the best adventure/exploration RPGs of the 1980's and 90's. It takes the best from the games of this golden period and adds new mechanics, unique art style, exceptional music, deep nonlinear story, and positive experiences.

The game develop the ability to go beyond standard thinking, that is to say, encouraging bold decisions based on intuition. One of the main pillars are the consequences that the player get from his choices. Practically an endless opportunity to replay the puzzle Levels, non linear quests and random mechanics gives to the player an unforgettable experience for a long time.


The story tells about young explorer by the name of Agomo, whose adventure begins when he realizes that despite all life benefits he had, there was a void inside of him, that could not be filled with anything he had. The strive to find true inner happiness and fullness sends him on a risky journey in a search of the Well of Life. A year later, his search led him to a mystical fairy island called Dabado. That day the great exploration begins.

On the island he will find many friends, encounter dreadsome creatures hiding deep in his own mind, experienced many adventures, quests and riddles, complete dozens of puzzle Levels containing invaluable Knowledge, partake in exciting stories about the strength of the spirit and the power of Love to finally – find something he never dreamt of...


Overall gameplay is very different from the majority of the games coming out these days. It combines flat 2D puzzle Levels and isometric 2D map with old but gold RPG-game mechanics. All this is combined with many new gameplay elements, distinctive approaches, and Love.

Puzzle Levels

Puzzle Levels, beside story-based adventure/RPG, are important part from the World of Dabado gameplay. We have about 10 different types of puzzle Levels with their own distinctive game mechanics. The only similarity between them is building a construction with blocks that appear randomly, which provides huge replayability to the player.

In the puzzle Levels players can create as well as destroy their own construction. Destruction is a very important part of the gameplay. Why? Because not everything is the way it looks. To open up some new possibilities players need to destroy some old ones. This mechanics encourages them to take bold decisions based on intuition.

Solving puzzle Levels gives Light – equivalent of “Health” or “Energy”. It's needed for progressing in the isometric RPG part of the game. Besides the Light, puzzle Levels provide Buttons – the in-game currency, which are very rare and Score points – they help to get a better position in the online rank list.


The RPG part will be fully developed in World of Dabado version 3.0 and will make up about 90% of it. Here a player will experience lots of adventures, explore a huge World of Dabado, meet charming characters, reveal ancient secrets, dive into dungeons, face fearful enemies, develop spiritual abilities, collect inventory items, craft items, make decisions in nonlinear quests and enjoy the game’s deep storyline.

As we mentioned above, most of the actions done by the main character consumes Light, such as: movement, searching, fighting, and many others. Light is the game’s main resource. The second major resource is Lives and the third one is Buttons.

A curious note about Light. While the main character possesses Light, the enemies possess Darkness. Counteracting with them, Agomo spends his Light and removes the Darkness from the enemies. When enemies’ Darkness reduced to 0, they become neutral or even friendly, and they sometimes can help the main character with small tasks. When Agomo loses all his Light, he also loses one Life, when all Lives are lost, he loses the game. The Light also regenerates in time, but not very quickly.

Another distinctive gameplay mechanics is randomness in the appearance of many elements in the game and nonlinear dialogs and quests, which gives new flavor to every new game replay.

Game versions

Probably, You have already noted that the game is intended to have three versions. The necessity of such approach is based on the desire to launch a playable game version as soon as possible. Any new content comes with updates which are absolutely free for anyone who purchased the game once (no matter which version).

World of Dabado version 1.0 - over 40 hours of gameplay. Version 2.0 - over 40 hours of gameplay. Version 3.0 - over 200 hours of gameplay.


Viktor Mazhlekov – idea, art, game design, storyline.

Kliment Petkov – game programming, unity, C#.

Vadim Borisenko – music, sounds.

Kaloyan Mirchev – web programming, servers, support.

Dmitry Mitrofanov, Marina Baeva, Maria Bykova and Hristo Hristov – translation.


  • Positive and relaxing gameplay
  • Unique handmade art
  • Deep storyline, dialogues, and nonlinear quests
  • Replayability and random mechanics
  • Develop logical thinking
  • Unique NPCs and enemies with AI
  • Exploration of many secrets and hidden places


World of Dabado in Kickstarter YouTube


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

About Viktor Mazhlekov

A developer of role playing games including World of Dabado.

More information
More information on Viktor Mazhlekov, our logo & relevant media are available here.

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks