This game was made in 4 day for the EasterEggJam,help me win the contest by rating the game in the link below

Add job Report Sound, to save the oceans! at FloodGames

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Audio/Music located Anywhere.

Posted by FloodGames on

Hello everyone, I'm Fabrizio Spadaro(22y/o) the solo developer of Nero's Adventure. Nero's Adventure is a 2D, adventure puzzle game to sensitize about oceans pollution. I've been lazy working on this game for 3 years, but last year I was more consistent and I managed to make big progress. The game is 80% done, I just need to polish/make new levels and add SOUND.

Schermata 2019 10 09 alle 12 01

I spent a lot of hours to work on the lighting, particles, and vegetation generations, to create the best mood for this game, but I missing a key PIECE to finalize this puzzle, and you guess it right it's SOUND.

I think that sounds are always a core aspect of any videogame, and in Nero's Adventure it's even more important because of the whole mood given by the graphics.

That' s why I'm looking for Musicians to create SFX(water, bubble, fishes,etc..) and soundtracks, so if you believe in this game and what this game stands for, feel free to contact me.

If you are interested in the game and you are not a musician, be sure to follow me on twitter I will post devlogs there and I will also set up a discord channel to contribute and give some feedback about the game!

Applications will be closed in 14 days!

To Apply

To apply message me on indiedb or on twitter: or on gmail: