Open Vehicular Epic is a 3D vehicle emulator based around intense gameplay, programmed in an epic, unreal style. More than 50 vehicles have been added over the years, with each one having its own abilities, learning curve, and character. This leads to gameplay that is both fun and dynamic, yet still demands intelligent strategy from the user in order to win. Multiplayer support exists, though port-forwarding or a VPN service is required. OpenV.E. is programmed in pure Java(FX) and does not utilize any game engines. This has been a central ideology behind the development, with benefits including a unique experience and easy source access for anyone to fully modify the project as they wish. Open Vehicular Epic is a non-profit, open-source Gradle project. As of this writing, you will need an IDE to run it.

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Open Vehicular Epic

Open Vehicular Epic

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Latest publicly-released build. OpenV.E. is a Gradle project--as of this writing, an IDE and JDK 17 or higher are needed to run it.