Trigger Rally is a fast and fun arcade rally racing game with hundreds of user-created tracks. It’s one of a new breed of plugin-free HTML5 games, using WebGL to harness the full power of the GPU.

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Pay What You Want


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What has changed?

In order to support development and infrastructure costs, Trigger Rally has moved to a “Pay What You Want" model for all content. As a user, you can pay whatever amount you want to get full access.

Previously, the cars were sold as individual fixed-price upgrades. If you purchased one or both cars, you have already been upgraded to the full game.

Additionally, I would like to reward early adopters for their support. So if you registered before 2013-07-03, you have been upgraded for free! Thank you for playing. :)


The game has been available with most of its features for free for a long time and it is now fairly well tested and mature. Also, I have been working on it full time for 9 months and need to pay the bills!

In the coming weeks I will be looking at how to make the game even better and at how players could earn rewards in other ways. If you have any suggestions on this please get in touch here or by email at

Check out the game here:

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