Take the Mountain Down! This Mountain Goes Down is an exciting new incremental mining game where you dig a whole mountain down, raking in tons of experience and rewards on the way. You start as a young miner with very little skills and a rusty tool, deciding to take down the mountain near his home. Tap the screen to mine the mountain resources and keep earning experience, components and more. Use your experience to upgrade your skills and become more efficient at mining. Use components to craft new stronger tools. Find secret recipes to craft unique tools. Keep digging and explore the depths of the mountain. Do you think mining is boring? Just wait till you see what resources you find, and what kind of lost treasures you discover while mining! How could digging a whole mountain down be anything but awesome? Mine your way from a young lazy miner, to a veteran master miner able to dig through the hardest resources with style, panache and an epic mining tool, starting today!

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