In the middle of battle, the floor beneath your feet rumbles and shakes, the sounds of the ground giving in striking fear into the hearts of those around you, friend and foe alike. Before you can get away from it, you find yourself falling and falling and falling and then... Nothing. Darkness alone keeps you company. You wake, not more than an hour later surrounded by soft moss and a cave of unrivaled size. You find yourself getting up and seeing a light far above your head, doubtless the place you came in from. It doesn't seem like most of the ones who fell with you could experience the same sight, slain by the fall. There's only one other person standing, but that armor... That's an enemy insignia. Are you willing to call for a truce to seek a way back to the surface? Or will you attempt the treacherous trek back on your own?

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Gearing up for release

Gearing up for release


We're gonna keep it short today since we're extremely busy, but how about one last update before delivery?

The Mechanics of Text

The Mechanics of Text


Today we will discuss the actual intricacies of the game! That's right, this isn't just about text and making choices!

Breaking our hiatus!

Breaking our hiatus!


We know it's been a while but it's not in vain. Our focus was forced onto other projects but now we're all in on this one, and to represent that we're...

Added content to the game and updated the menus

Added content to the game and updated the menus


We inserted story content in the game and updated some menu aspects.

Giving form to Brandon

Giving form to Brandon


This time we present you with concept art of our main character, Brandon Alder.

Main characters profiles and Game Menus

Main characters profiles and Game Menus


Description of the two main characters and a summary of the game's Menus.

Getting to work

Getting to work


With a school presentation out of the way we can move full steam ahead to production.

Introduction and some art to go with it

Introduction and some art to go with it


In our first article we introduce the concept behind the game and some thumbnails our artist has created.