The Pac-Man indulges itself as a tribute to both the original game and the variations of it made throughout the years. With 70+ unique stages across ten different worlds, The Pac-Man provides a challenging arcade-adventure experience filled with contrived and uncontrived surprises around every corner. With a new system for how ghost AI operates and a large amount of interesting game elements, this is Pac-Man unlike ever before: it is The Pac-Man.

RSS Reviews

Ofihombre says

Agree Disagree

Good Pac-Man game, With a variety of labyrinths displayed by game-like maps of New Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country and even Pac-Man World 2 from the GBA, etc. But evidence of the absence of big pac-dots to turn blue to ghosts makes it a challenge.

P.D: If that were the big pac-dots, a mistake of mine I'm sorry. (Since the second world)