The Outforce is a traditional top-down RTS game, played across a battlefield situated in space. To simplify the control and strategy system, the player only have to control his units along a two-dimensional battlefield, with only cosmetic variations in depth. The battlefield is scattered with asteroids, gas clouds and spacial debris as well as space stations, trading posts and military bases, which are all part of an interactive environment that can be taken advantage of in the actual game play.

Forum Thread
Console commands list (Games : The Outforce : Forum : Commands / console : Console commands list) Locked
Thread Options
Dec 20 2020 Anchor

Name Syntax Description

? ? (str Command); Displays help data for the supplied command

AddCustomizedControl AddCustomizedControl AddCustomizedControl [MAP_ID]
AddMoveOrder AddMoveOrder AddMoveOrder [MAP_ID] [X] [Y] [Z] [FORCEMOVE]
AddPatrolOrder AddPatrolOrder AddPatrolOrder [MAP_ID] [X] [Z]
AI_Active AI_Active Activates the AI
AI_AddCommander AI_AddCommander [FLOAT] Adds a new AI player
AI_Attack AI_Attack Description
AI_AttackWithCommander AI_AttackWithCommander Description
AI_CentreCameraToTeam CentreCameraToTeam [FLOAT] Description
AI_CommanderColor AI_CommanderColor(int ObjectGroup, float r, float g, float b) Sets the tint color of an commander
AI_Create AI_Create ( ) Creates a unit
AI_Debug AI_Debug ( ) Shows AI messages
AI_InitializeCommanders AI_InitializeCommanders Description
AI_ReadBuildDNA AI_ReadDNA [FLOAT] Description
AI_ReadBuildDNA AI_ReadDNA [FLOAT] Description
AI_ReadInitParameters AI_ReadInitParameters Description
AI_ReInitialize AI_ReInitialize [FLOAT] Description
AI_RemoveCommander AI_RemoveCommander(int CommanderObjectGroup); Removes the commander with the supplied object group
AI_Resources AI_Resources Description
AI_StartLearn StartLearn [FLOAT] Description
AI_StartLogBuild AI_StartLogBuild [FLOAT] Description
AI_StartMonitor AI_StartMonitor Description
AI_StopLearn StopLearn [FLOAT] Description
Ally Ally(int/str PlayerToAlly); Ally with the supplied player
Anim_Pause Anim_Pause(); Pauses the current playing bink animation
Anim_Play Anim_Play(); Plays the supplied bink animation stretched to the whole Outforce window
Anim_Resume Anim_Resume(); Resumes the current playing bink animation
Anim_Stop Anim_Stop(); Stops the currently playing bink animation
ApplyForce ApplyForce(float SpreadingSpeed, float Mass, float Damage, float DamageRadius); Starts a preassure wave at the position of the mouse
Bind Bind(str Event = Down, str PreKey = None, str Key, str CommandLine); Binds a command line the a key. Event: Down, Up, Change, Repeat or Continuous. PreKey: Control | Shift | Alt. Command: Any valid command sequence
BreakAlly BreakAlly(int/str Player); Breaks a ally with the selected player
BriefingScrollDown BriefingScrollDown(); Scrolls the briefing up
BriefingScrollReset BriefingScrollReset(); Scrolls the briefing up
BriefingScrollUp BriefingScrollUp(); Scrolls the briefing up
CameraDamping CameraDamping(float Amount); Sets the damping of the camera shake
CameraShake CameraShake(float Amount); Sets the shaking mount of the camera
CameraShakeRange CameraShakeRange(float Range); Sets the max range of shake effect
CameraShakeRoof CameraShakeRoof(float Amount); Sets the max value of the shakeing
Capture_Start Capture_Start(float Fps); starts to capture a animation with the supplied fps as framerate
Capture_Stop Capture_Stop(); Stops the capture of a animation
Center Center(); Positions camera at center of map
CenterSelected CenterSelected(); Centers camera over selected units
cg_DrawFullScreenRadar cg_DrawFullScreenRadar(bool Enable); Turns drawing of fullscreenradar on or off
cg_DrawGrid cg_DrawGrid(bool Enable); Turns drawing of grid on or off
cg_DrawGUI cg_DrawGUI(bool Enable); Turns drawing of gui on or off
cg_DrawRadar cg_DrawRadar(bool Enable); Turns drawing of radar on or off
cg_EnableAlphaBlending cg_EnableAlphaBlending(bool Enable); Enables alpha blending
cg_EnableAntialiasing cg_EnableAntialiasing(bool Enable); Enables antialiasing
cg_EnableDithering cg_EnableDithering(bool Enable); Enables dithering
cg_EnableTextures cg_EnableTextures(bool Enable); Enables textures
cg_MaxFillMode cg_MaxFillMode(int Setting); Max raster fill mode. 1 = Point, 2 = Wire, 3 = Solid
cg_MaxNumLights cg_MaxNumLights(int Num); Sets the maximum number of lights
cg_MaxShadeMode cg_MaxShadeMode(int Setting); Max raster shade mode. 1 = Flat, 2 = Gouraud, 3 = Phong
cg_RadarScreenPortion cg_RadarScreenPortion(float Angle); Sets the portion of the radar in hardcore mode
cg_TextureMagnification cg_TextureMagnification(int Setting); Texture magnification mode. 1 = Point, 2 = Linear, 3 = Flat cubic, 4 = Gaussian cubic, 5 = Ansiotropic
cg_TextureMinification cg_TextureMinification(int Setting); Texture minification mode. 1 = Point, 2 = Linear, 3 = Ansiotropic
cg_TextureMipmapMode cg_TextureMipmapMode(int Setting); Texture mipmap mode. 1 = None, 2 = Point, 3 = Linear
ChatWith ChatWith A string that defines who you want to chat with when pressing return in the console. "*" Chats with everyone. "/Team" chats with team. "/Allies" chats with allies
Cheats Cheats(bool Enable); Enables cheats
cl_Password cl_Password The password you send to the server when you want to connect to it
cl_Rate cl_Rate(float Rate); Sets the preferable rate of the client
Cmdlist Cmdlist (str FileName); Saves all commands to the supplied filename
Color Color (float r, float g, float b); Selects the color for the player
CommandLine CommandLine The string in the commandline
Connect Connect(str Destination); Connects to the supplied destination
Console_Bottom Console_Bottom(); Scrolls the consle to the bottom
Console_CopyFromCommandLine Console_CopyFromCommandLine(); Copy to clip board
Console_ExecuteCommandLine Console_ExecuteCommandLine(); Executes the current command line in the console
Console_Font_Height Console_Font_Height(int Height); Changes the font height in pixels of the console font
Console_Font_Name Console_Font_Name(int Height); Changes the font height in pixels of the console font
Console_Font_Width Console_Font_Width(int Height); Changes the font height in pixels of the console font
Console_GetClosestCommand Console_GetClosestCommand(); Completes the current console command in the command line
Console_Hide Console_Hide(); Hides the console
Console_HistoryCommandLine Console_HistoryCommandLine(); Executes the current command line in the console
Console_Next Console_Next(); Scrolls the consle one step
Console_NextHistory Console_NextHistory(); Select next command line history
Console_PasteToCommandLine Console_PasteToCommandLine(); Paste from clipboard
Console_Prev Console_Prev(); Scrolls the consle one step
Console_PrevHistory Console_PrevHistory(); Select previous command line history
Console_Screen_Font_Bold Console_Screen_Font_Name(int Height); Changes the font height in pixels of the screen console font
Console_Screen_Font_Height Console_Screen_Font_Height(int Height); Changes the font height in pixels of the screen console font
Console_Screen_Font_Name Console_Screen_Font_Name(int Height); Changes the font height in pixels of the screen console font
Console_Screen_Font_Width Console_Screen_Font_Width(int Height); Changes the font height in pixels of the screen console font
Console_SetBackGroundAnim console_SetBackGroundAnim(str AnimFileName); Sets a animation to the console background
Console_Show Console_Show(); Shows the console
Console_ShowMini Console_ShowMini(); Shows the mini console
Console_Top Console_Top(); Scrolls the consle to the top
Create Create ( ) Creates a unit
CreateTeam CreateTeam(str TeamName); Creates a new team
dbg_UnitOut dbg_UnitOut(); Outputs debug data for a unit
Disable3DEngine Disable3DEngine(bool Enable); Disables drawing of 3D view
Disconnect Disconnect(); Disconnects from the server you are connected to
DivRadarScale DivRadarScale(float Value); Divides radar scale by supplied value
DivZoom DivZoom(float Value); Divies the FOV with the given value
DumpUnitNames DumpUnitNames() DumpUnitNames
echo echo(str String); Echos the supplied string to the console
Edit_AddChar Edit_AddChar(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_CopySelection Edit_CopySelection(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_CutSelection Edit_CutSelection(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_DeleteChar Edit_DeleteChar(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_DeleteWord Edit_DeleteWord(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_DisplayControlCodes Edit_DisplayControlCodes(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_EraseChar Edit_EraseChar(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_EraseWord Edit_EraseWord(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_ExtendSelectionEnd Edit_ExtendSelectionEnd(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_ExtendSelectionHome Edit_ExtendSelectionHome(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_ExtendSelectionLeft Edit_ExtendSelectionLeft(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_ExtendSelectionRight Edit_ExtendSelectionRight(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_ExtendSelectionWordLeft Edit_ExtendSelectionWordLeft(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_ExtendSelectionWordRight Edit_ExtendSelectionWordRight(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_HistoryNext Edit_HistoryNext(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_HistoryPrev Edit_HistoryPrev(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_Insert Edit_Insert(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_MoveEnd Edit_MoveEnd(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_MoveHome Edit_MoveHome(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_MoveLeft Edit_MoveLeft(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_MoveRight Edit_MoveRight(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_MoveWordLeft Edit_MoveWordLeft(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_MoveWordRight Edit_MoveWordRight(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Edit_PasteSelection Edit_PasteSelection(char character); Adds a char to current editstring
Effect_Explo_AddObject Effect_Explo_AddObject(str ExplosionName, str ObjectName, float Size, float RandomSize, float Time, float RandomTime, int UseRandomPosition, int Top); Used when creating explotions. Adds a object to a explosion. The object can be a shockwave or a explosion.
Effect_Explo_AddThrowObject Effect_Explo_AddThrowObject(str ExplosionName, str ObjectName, float Size, float RandomSize, float Time, float RandomTime, float Speed, float RandomSpeed); Used when creating explotions. Adds a object to a explosion. This object will be fired away from the debris.
Effect_Explo_Create Effect_Explo_Create(str ExplosionName); Used when creating explotions. Creates a new explosion type if not already created.
Effect_Explo_DebrisExplosion Effect_Explo_DebrisExplosion(str ExplosionName, str DebrisExplosionName); Used when creating explotions. Sets the debris explosion of the explosion type.
Effect_Explo_Lock Effect_Explo_Lock(str ExplosionName); Used when creating explotions. Locks the explosion so no more changes can be made.
Effect_Explo_PolyBlowSpeed Effect_Explo_PolyBlowSpeed(str ExplosionName, float Speed); Used when creating explotions. Sets the speed of the ploygon blow.
Effect_Explo_SetDescription Effect_Explo_SetDescription(str ExplosionName, str Description); Used when creating explotions. Sets the description of the debris left behind.
Effect_Explo_SetMaterial Effect_Explo_SetMaterial(str ExplosionName, str MaterialName); Used when creating explotions. Sets the material on the debris that is left behind.
Effect_Explo_SetPressureWave Effect_Explo_SetPressureWave(str ExplosionName, float DecreasingRate, float SpreadingSpeed, float OriginPower); Used when creating explotions. Defines how the pressure wave from the debris should behave.
Effect_Explo_SetScale Effect_Explo_SetScale(str ExplosionName, float x, float y, float z); Used when creating explotions. Sets the size of a exlposion.
Effect_Explo_SetShake Explo_SetShake(str ExplosionName, float amount); Used when creating explotions. Sets the amount of shake to add to the camera.
Effect_Explo_SetSound Effect_Explo_PolyBlowSpeed(str ExplosionName, str SoundFile); Used when creating explotions. Sets the sound of the explosion.
Effect_FogColorB Effect_FogColorB(int Value); Changes the blue component in the fog of war color.
Effect_FogColorG Effect_FogColorG(int Value); Changes the green component in the fog of war color.
Effect_FogColorR Effect_FogColorR(int Value); Changes the red component in the fog of war color.
Effect_FogHalfColorB Effect_FogHalfColorB(int Value); Changes the blue component in the fog of war shadow color.
Effect_FogHalfColorG Effect_FogHalfColorG(int Value); Changes the green component in the fog of war shadow color.
Effect_FogHalfColorR Effect_FogHalfColorR(int Value); Changes the red component in the fog of war shadow color.
Effect_FogOfWar Effect_FogOfWar(int Value); If set to zero, the fog of war will be disabled.
Effect_GenerateStars Effect_GenerateStars(str EmitterName, int NumStars, float YLevel, float YLevelRandom, float Size, float RandomSize, float OverLap); Generates stars by using the emitter system.
Effect_LightOfGod Effect_LightOfGod If set to one, The mouse cursor will generate a 3d light.
Effect_LightOfGod_ColorB Effect_LightOfGod_ColorB(int Value); Changes the blue component in the Light of god color.
Effect_LightOfGod_ColorG Effect_LightOfGod_ColorG(int Value); Changes the green component in the Light of god color.
Effect_LightOfGod_ColorR Effect_LightOfGod_ColorR(int Value); Changes the red component in the Light of god color.
Effect_LightOfGod_Height Effect_LightOfGod_Height(int Value); Changes the height of the Light of god
Effect_LightOfGod_Range Effect_LightOfGod_Height(int Value); Changes the range of the Light of god
Effect_LightOfGod_Strength Effect_LightOfGod_Height(int Value); Changes the range of the Light of god, smaller value gives stronger light
Effect_LightOfGod_Variation Effect_LightOfGod_Variation(int Value); Changes the variation of the Light of god. Smaller value gives larger variation
Effect_Particles Effect_Particles(int Value); If set to zero, no particle effects will be used.
Effect_PolygonBlow Effect_PolygonBlow(int Value); If set to zero, no polygon blows will be used.
effect_polygonblow_amount effect_polygonblow_amount(float Amount); Set the number of polygons that blow up in a polygon blow. 0.0 to 1.0 are valid values.
Emitter_AddBlueValue Emitter_AddBlueValue(float value); Used when editing Emitters. Adds a value to the blue componet of the current Gradient point.
Emitter_AddGradientPoint Emitter_AddGradientPoint(int Pos, float red, float green, float blue); Used when editing Emitters. Adds a color point to the current emitter color gradient.
Emitter_AddGreenValue Emitter_AddGreenValue(float value); Used when editing Emitters. Adds a value to the green componet of the current Gradient point.
Emitter_AddRedValue Emitter_AddRedValue(float value); Used when editing Emitters. Adds a value to the red componet of the current Gradient point.
Emitter_AddValue Emitter_AddValue(float Value); Used when editing Emitters. Adds a value to the current Emitter Variable
Emitter_Create Emitter_Create(int ID, float BirthRate, int DeathWish, int ReuseParticles, float Speed, float LifeTime, float VariableLifeTime, int NumParticles, float Size, float Spread, float SpreadCoofficient, float SpreadAround, float SpreadAroundStart, float SpeedModifier, float PosVariationX, float PosVariationY, float PosVariationZ, float Acceleration, float SizeVariation, float Shrink, float SpeedVariation, float SpeedVariationCoefficient); Used when editing Emitters. Creates a new emitter configuration.
Emitter_EditMode Emitter_EditMode Used when editing Emitters. If set to one, you will see the current emitter settings.
Emitter_NextEmitter Emitter_NextEmitter(); Used when editing Emitters. Selects the next emitter
Emitter_NextGradientPoint Emitter_NextGradientPoint(); Used when editing Emitters. Selects the next Gradient Point for the current Emitter.
Emitter_NextVariable Emitter_NextVariable(); Used when editing Emitters. Selects the next emitter variable
Emitter_PrevEmitter Emitter_PrevEmitter(); Used when editing Emitters. Selects the previus emitter
Emitter_PrevGradientPoint Emitter_PrevGradientPoint(); Used when editing Emitters. Selects the previus Gradient Point for the current Emitter.
Emitter_PrevVariable Emitter_PrevVariable(); Used when editing Emitters. Selects the previus emitter variable
Emitter_SaveSettings Emitter_SaveSettings(); Used when editing Emitters. Saves the emitter settings to 'Explosions.cfg' and 'ExplosionSettings.cfg'
Emitter_SetMaterial Emitter_SetMaterial(int EmitterNumber, str MaterialName); Used when editing Emitters. Sets the material on the particles.
Emitter_SetName Emitter_SetName(str Name); Used when editing Emitters. Sets the number of the current Emitter.
Emitter_UpdateSettings Emitter_UpdateSettings(); Used when editing Emitters. Forces every emitter to retreive the emitter configuration from the template.
Exec Exec(str FileName); Executes the supplied file
ExitGame ExitGame(); Quits the game back to the operating system
false false Constant
FindServers FindServers(); Broadcasts a network send to see if any outforce servers exists
Flip Flip (str CommandToFlip); Flips the value of the supplied consle command
FlipDummyBar FlipDummyBar(); Turns dummybar on or off
FlipTracking FlipTracking(); Tracks the selected unit. Or stops tracking a unit if tracking is on
fm_AttackMode fm_AttackMode(); Sets the current active action to be Force Attack
fm_GuardMode fm_GuardMode(); Sets the current active action to be Force Guard
fm_MoveMode fm_MoveMode(); Sets the current active action to be Force Move
fm_PatrolMode fm_PatrolMode(); Sets the current active action to be Force Patrol
fm_RepairMode fm_RepairMode(); Sets the current active action to be Force Repair
fm_TowMode fm_TowMode(); Sets the current active action to be Force Tow
G_ActivateConfirmDialog G_ActivateConfirmDialog(char TestString); Makes a confirmdialog test
g_Append G_Append(str FileName); Append the supplied GUI
g_BriefingExecute g_BriefingExecute; g_BriefingExecute
G_BuildOrderDuplication G_BuildOrderDuplication Sets how many extra build orders to add when pressing shift
g_ChatListDown g_ChatListDown; Scrolls in multiplayers join gui
g_ChatListUp g_ChatListUp; Scrolls in multiplayers join gui
g_ClearScreenConsole g_ClearScreenConsole(); Clears the screen console.
g_DontDrawConsole g_DontDrawConsole Turns the rendering of the console on or off
g_DrawProgressBars g_DrawProgressBars(); Turns the rendering of progressbars on or off
g_EditEnter g_EditEnter(); Executes the current text in the edit box
g_ForceOutFromEditMode g_ForceOutFromEditMode(); Exits from a edit
g_HostMultiGame g_HostMultiGame; Hosts a LAN or Internet game
g_IdentifyPanels g_IdentifyPanels(); Loads the supplied GUI
g_JumpToBriefing g_JumpToBriefing; g_JumpToBriefing
G_JumpToMenu G_JumpToMenu( int ID ); The specified ID tells which GUI to be shown (inside game)
g_Load G_Load(str FileName); Loads the supplied GUI
G_LoadMouse G_LoadMouse(); Loads mouse bitmaps
G_LoadUnitInfo G_LoadUnitInfo(); Loads unit info bitmaps
g_MakeInternetGUI g_MakeInternetGUI; Makes the GUI Internet
g_MakeLANGUI g_MakeLANGUI; Makes the GUI Lan
g_NumMouseBitmaps g_NumMouseBitmaps(int NumBitmaps); Sets the number of bitmaps on the mouse pointer
g_NumUnitInfoBitmaps g_NumUnitInfoBitmaps(int NumBitmaps); Sets the number of bitmaps on unit info icons
g_ParseSettingsList g_ParseSettingsList(); Adds settings to GUI
g_PostLocalizationCheck g_PostLocalizationCheck(); Posts a localization check to the interface to check for gui localization errors
g_PressColumn g_PressColumn(int Column); Reports the column to be pressed
G_RadarLockMode G_RadarLockMode(); Changes how the radar should be locked to screen or showing whole world.
G_RadarMessage G_RadarMessage(); Makes a radar message test
g_RemakeMapChange g_RemakeMapChange Chooses the first map
G_SaveFonts G_SaveFonts(); Saves a compiled font file from all loaded fonts
G_ScoreMenu G_ScoreMenu Turns the tool tip feature on or off
g_ScrollMulti g_ScrollMulti(bool up); Scrolls in multiplayers join gui
G_SetActiveGUI G_SetActiveGUI( int ID ); The specified ID tells which GUI to be shown
g_SetCampaignBriefingAnimation g_SetCampaignBriefingAnimation( char Text); g_SetCampaignBriefingAnimation
g_SetCampaignMissionText g_SetCampaignMissionText( char Text ); Sets the mission text shown in a GUI object
g_SetCampaignObjectiveText g_SetCampaignObjectiveText( char Text); Sets the objective text shown in a GUI object
G_SetDirectActiveGUI G_SetDirectActiveGUI( int ID ); The specified ID tells which GUI to be directly shown
g_SetLoadScreenConfig g_SetLoadScreenConfig(int ax1,int ay1,int ax2,int ay2,int bx1,int by1,int bx2,int by2); Defines the LoadScreen two areas, text and bar
g_SetLoadScreenImage g_SetLoadScreenImage(char Image); Loads the screen that is displayed when the game is loading
g_SetLobbyOptionsReadOnly g_SetLobbyOptionsReadOnly(bool true); Sets lobby options readonly
g_SetQFO g_SetQFO; Sets qfo tab level
g_SetServerOptionsAdv g_SetServerOptionsAdv; Show advanced or not advanced server options
g_SwitchToNormalList g_SwitchToNormalList(); Switch to normal mode in the global server list
g_SwitchToStatList g_SwitchToStatList(); Switch to status mode in the global server list
g_TCPAdress g_TCPAdress Sets the current TCP adress when joing a game
Game Game(str GameDirectory) Sets the game directory. "Outforce" is the default
GameMode GameMode(int Mode); The mode of the current game. Can be GM_Single, GM_Skirmish or GM_Multi
ge_MainSleep ge_MainSleep(bool Sleep) Sleeps in main loop to allow for multi outforce test
ge_Minimize ge_Minimize(bool Sleep) Makes outforce minimize directly after initialization
ge_UniqueOutforce ge_UniqueOutforce A string that has the computer name and process id in it
GM_Multi GM_Multi Constant
GM_Single GM_Single Constant
GM_Skirmish GM_Skirmish Constant
GroupSelected GroupSelected(int GroupID); Places the selected units in the supplied group
GUI_Disable GUI_Disable(bool Disable); Disables drawing of any GUI
Help Help (str Command); Displays help data for the supplied command
If If(bool Var, str ToExecute); Executes the second argument if the first variable is true
IfNot IfNot(bool Var, str ToExecute); Executes the second argument if the first variable is false
input_LastFile input_LastFile Variable for saving the last used bindings file
InputDebug InputDebug(bool Enable); Shows input debug information in the console
Interfaceopt_ControlType Interfaceopt_ControlType(bool DefaultControlType); Interface Options -> Default Control Type
Interfaceopt_GameSpeed Interfaceopt_GameSpeed(int GameSpeed); Interface Options -> Game Speed
Interfaceopt_MajoritySelection Interfaceopt_MajoritySelection(bool MajoritySelection); Interface Options -> Majority Selection
Interfaceopt_NumMessagesLines Interfaceopt_NumMessagesLines(int Lines); Interface Options -> Message Lines
Interfaceopt_ScrollSpeed Interfaceopt_ScrollSpeed(int ScrollSpeed); Interface Options -> Scroll Speed
Interfaceopt_ToolTips Interfaceopt(bool Active) Turns the tool tip feature on or off
InterfaceVolume InterfaceVolume(float Percent); Sets the interface volume
Join Join(string Channel); The channel to connect to in the main chat
JoinChat JoinChat(); Join the chat on the first populated server
JoinSelectedWithGroup JoinSelectedWithGroup(int GroupID); Adds the selected units to the supplied group
JumpToEvent JumpToEvent(); Jumps to the last game event
kb_DirectInput kb_DirectInput(bool Enable); Turns the use of direct input for keyboard on or off
kb_ShowKeys kb_ShowKeys(bool Enable); Tunrs showing of pressed keys in the console on or off
KillSelected KillSelected(); Destroys the selected units
ListPlayers ListPlayers(); List all awailable players
ListRaces ListRaces(); Lists all awailable Races
ListServers ListServers(); Lists all populated servers
ListTeams ListTeams(); List all awailable teams
LooseGame LooseGame The player losses the game
m_BuildRestrictionMode m_BuildRestrictionMode Description
M_CollisionMode M_CollisionMode( int Mode ); Sets the current collision mode in map editor (true/false)
m_Condition m_Condition(...Dynamic arguments, see other documentation...); Description
m_DAS M_DAS Duplicates marked objects
M_DefineStartPositions M_DefineStartPositions(int NumberOfPosition); Defines a number of start positions
M_DeleteSelected M_DeleteSelected Deletes the marked objects
m_Devmap m_Devmap Goes into development mode of map specified
m_DevmapMode m_DevmapMode Sets or unsets outforce in development mode of map
m_DirectInput m_DirectInput(bool Enable); Turns the use of direct input for mouse on or off
m_DoubleClick m_DoubleClick(); Performs a double click at the current position
M_EditMode M_EditMode Sets the game in map editor mode
M_Export M_Export( char Directory ); Exports the map to specified directory ( creates it if it doesn't exists=
M_ExportUnitCommands M_ExportUnitCommands( char Directory ); Exports the current commands set to units ( move and patrol)
M_HideLayer M_HideLayer(int Layer); Hides the specified layer
M_ImportBinary M_ImportBinary Import binary file
m_LAS M_LAS( char * File) Loads and marks the specified map
m_ListConditions m_ListConditions Description
M_Merge M_Merge Merges nearby objects by deleting them
M_MoveOffsetDown M_MoveOffsetDown Move offsets down in map editor object lists
M_MoveOffsetUp M_MoveOffsetUp Move offsets up in map editor object lists
m_NoBuildRestriction m_NoBuildRestriction Description
M_PaintMode M_PaintMode( int Mode ); Sets the current paint mode in map editor (0-7)
m_PosX m_PosX(float Pos); Sets the cursor position x value
m_PosY m_PosY(float Pos); Sets the cursor position y value
M_RandomizeSpots M_RandomizeSpots( int NumberOfSpots ); Randomizes a number of spots to the game scene
M_Resources M_Resources( int Resources ); Sets the number of resources for the active player.
M_SelectLayer M_SelectLayer(int Layer); Selects which layer to work with in map editor mode
m_SetConditions m_SetConditions [Number] Set a number of conditions
M_SetGameSceneRect M_SetGameSceneRect( int x1, int z1, int x2, int z2 ); Sets and allocates the game scene. Measuered in world units.
M_SetLayer M_SetLayer(int Layer); Sets the layer of the marked units
M_SetLayerPosition M_SetLayerPosition(int Layer, float Position); Sets the position of the specified layer
m_SetLB m_SetLB(bool ButtonDown); Sets the state of the left mouse button
m_SetMB m_SetMB(bool ButtonDown); Sets the state of the middle mouse button
m_SetRB m_SetRB(bool ButtonDown); Sets the state of the right mouse button
M_SetSpotConfig M_SetSpotConfig(float Min, float Max, float Movement); Sets the configuration of all spots
M_SetStartPosition M_SetStartPosition(int PlayerID, float X, float Z); Sets a start position of a player
M_SetStartPositionByMouse M_SetStartPositionByMouse(); Sets the start position of a player by the mouse
M_SetTeam M_SetTeam(int Team); Sets the team of the marked units
m_SetTimer m_SetTimer(int seconds) Sets the countdown timer
M_TeamMode M_TeamMode( int Mode ); Sets the current team mode in map editor (0-1024)
M_Unselect M_Unselect Unselects all selected objects
Map Map (char File) Changes the current map by executing a serie of scripts in the specified map drawer
MoveCameraTo MoveCameraTo(int Position); Moves camera to central if position 0 or to script point if position is aboive 0
MoveCameraToGroup MoveCameraToGroup(int Group); Moves camera to group X
MoveSceneAngle MoveSceneAngle(float Value); Adds the supplied value to the heading of the camera
MoveSceneAngleUp MoveSceneAngleUp(float Value); Adds the supplied value to the pitch of the camera
MultiplyRadarScale MultiplyRadarScale(float Value); Multiplies radar scale by supplied value
MultiplyZoom MultiplyZoom(float Value); Multiplies the FOV with the given value
musicopt_Active musicopt_Active(bool Active); Sets if the music should be active
musicopt_Volume musicopt_Volume(int Volume); Sets the music volume
Name Name(str Name); Changes the players name
NextColor NextColor(); Select next free color on the server
Nick Nick(str Nick); Changes the players name
nw_AddAddress nw_AddAddress(); Add written adress
nw_AddToFavourites nw_AddToFavourites(); Add adress to favourites
nw_ClientPort nw_ClientPort(int Port); Selects the port to use for client to server connects. nw_ClientPort + 100 is used for Communication with the master, nw_ClientPort + 200 is used for Communication with server before connection
nw_DisconnectFromChat nw_DisconnectFromChat(); Disconnect from currently selected server in chat
nw_DummyNum nw_DummyNum(int NumMess) Sets the number of dummy check packets to send per frame
nw_DummySize nw_DummySize(int Size) Sets the size of a dummy message in number of random numbers.
nw_FindServersThatMatch nw_FindServersThatMatch(); Add selected to favourites
nw_GetServerList nw_GetServerList(); Get a server list
nw_MaxPacketSize nw_MaxPacketSize(int PacketSize) Max packet size for a packet
nw_PingList nw_PingList(); Ping server list
nw_QueryList nw_QueryList(); Refresh server list
nw_ServerGetMode nw_ServerGetMode(float Number); get servers from master if set to 1, updates servers if set to 2, pings servers if set to 3
nw_ServerUpdatePingTimeout nw_ServerUpdatePingTimeout(int PacketSize) Timeout for pinging and updating servers acquried from master server
OnOff OnOff(); Turns a marked unit on or off
OverrideCustomSetting OverrideCustomSetting(str Object, str SettingName, str NewValue) Sets a new customsetting for the object specified
pe_MaxGridMemberMovement pe_MaxGridMemberMovement Sets the max force movement of a gridmember
pe_MaxTowObjectMovement pe_MaxTowObjectMovement Sets the max force movement of a gridmember
pe_SpringConstant pe_SpringConstant Sets the spring constant for tow cables
perf_DrawFPS perf_DrawFPS(bool Enable); Turns drawing of performance data on
perf_DrawPathList perf_DrawPathList(bool Enable); Turns drawing of Pathfinder list on or off
perf_DrawUpdateList perf_DrawUpdateList(bool Enable); Turns drawing of UpdateList on or off
perf_FlipUnit perf_FlipUnit(); Flips rendering of performance data for the seleted units
perf_Render perf_Render(bool Enable); Turs rendering of performance datra on or off
PlayerTitleListScroll PlayerTitleListScroll; Scroll
ProgressHide ProgressHide(); Hides progress window
Quit Quit(); Quits the game back to the operating system
ReleaseTowConnections ReleaseTowConnections(); Releases the current connections attached to a marked object
RemoveAllUnits RemoveAllUnits [FLOAT] Removes all units from gamescene
RemoveBonds RemoveBonds(); Removes all keyboard bonds
ReportClassSizes ReportClassSizes Saves a screencapture to disk
SaveCurrentGame SaveCurrentGame Saves the current game to disc
SaveScreenCapture SaveScreenCapture Saves a screencapture to disk
SaveSettings SaveSettings(str String); Saves settings
Say SendMessage(); Chat a message
scene_ambinet_blue scene_ambinet_blue(int Color); Sets the blue component of the ambient light
scene_ambinet_green scene_ambinet_green(int Color); Sets the green component of the ambient light
scene_ambinet_red scene_ambinet_red(int Color); Sets the red component of the ambient light
scene_bgcolor_blue scene_bgcolor_blue(int Color); Sets the blue component of the background color
scene_bgcolor_green scene_bgcolor_green(int Color); Sets the green component of the background color
scene_bgcolor_red scene_bgcolor_red(int Color); Sets the red component of the background color
scene_sun_blue scene_sun_blue(int Color); Sets the blue component of the color of the directional light source
scene_sun_green scene_sun_green(int Color); Sets the green component of the color of the directional light source
scene_sun_heading scene_sun_heading(float Heading); Sets the heading of the directional light source
scene_sun_pitch scene_sun_pitch(float Pitch); Sets the pitch of the directional light source
scene_sun_red scene_sun_red(int Color); Sets the red component of the color of the directional light source
ScreenEcho ScreenEcho(str String); Echos the supplied string to the screen console
ScreenEcho ScreenEcho(str String); Echos the supplied string to the screen console
se_Bits se_Bits(int NumberOfBits); Sets the number of bits per sample to mix the sound to
se_Channels se_Channels(int NumChannels); Sets the number of simultaneous channels to mix.
se_ClearPlayList se_ClearPlayList(); Clears the play list.
se_Debug se_Debug(bool Enable); Turns sound debugging on/off
se_EffectSoundsActive se_EffectSoundsActive(bool On); Sets the sound effects on and off.
se_EffectVolume se_EffectVolume(float Percent); Sets the effect volume
se_InterfaceSoundsActive se_InterfaceSoundsActive(bool On); Sets the interface voice on and off.
se_KillLooping se_KillLooping(int Slot); Killss a looping sound.
se_LoadPlayList se_LoadPlayList(); Loads a play list.
se_MixAhead se_MixAhead(int Mixahaed); Sets the number of milliseconds to mixahead the sound
se_MixRate se_MixRate(int Mixrate); Sets the wanted mixrate for the sound mixing
se_Mp3PlayList se_Mp3PlayList(str M3UFile); Loads a mp3 list.
se_MusicActive se_MusicActive(bool Active); Turns music on and off.
se_MusicVolume se_MusicVolume(); Sets the music volume.
se_NextMp3 se_NextMp3(); Plays the next mp3 in the list.
se_NoSound se_NoSound(bool Disable); Turns off sound
se_OutChannels se_OutChannels(int NumChannels); Sets the number of outputchannels (2 is stereo)
se_PlayLooping se_PlayLooping(str Filename, int Slot); Shows the current sound settings
se_PlayMp3 se_PlayMp3(str FileName); Plays the supplied mp3
se_Quality se_Quality(); Sets the quality of the sound.
se_ReloadOnPlay se_ReloadOnPlay(bool Enable); Reloads the sound before it's played.
se_ReloadSounds se_ReloadSounds(); Reloads all sounds.
se_ResampleSounds se_ResampleSounds(); Reloads all sounds if needed and resamples it to the right quality.
se_Restart se_Restart(); Restarts the sound system
se_ShowAttributes se_ShowAttributes(); Shows the current sound settings
se_StopLooping se_StopLooping(int Slot); Stops a looping sound.
se_UseWaveout se_UseWaveout(bool Enable); Sets the use of wav driver in favour of direct sound driver
SelectAllUnits SelectAllUnits(); Selects all units
SelectAllUnitsOnScreen SelectAllUnitsOnScreen(); Selects all units on screen
SelectGroup SelectGroup(int GroupID); Selectes the units in the supplied group
SelectSameSort SelectSameSort; Selects all units with the same sort
ServerListScrollDown ServerListScrollDown(); Scrolls the server list down
ServerListScrollUp ServerListScrollUp(); Scrolls the server list up
SetActiveCampaign SetActiveCampaign(char MapName) Sets the map name of the active campaign.
SetLid SetLid(char LID, char Text); Sets a text to a local identifier
SetPlayer SetPlayer [FLOAT] Sets the player that the human player plays
ShowBindings ShowBindings(); Shows the current bound keys
ShowPlayers ShowPlayers(bool Show); Shows a playerlist and network debug info if set to true
ShowTime ShowTime(); Shows the current time in the console
si_AlliedVictory si_AlliedVictory(bool On) Allied victory
si_FogOfWar si_FogOfWar Enable to use fog of war
si_Location si_Location(int Country) The location of this server
si_Map_Author si_Map_Author(str AuthorName) Name of the author of the map
si_Map_Description si_Map_Description(str Desc) A description of the map to play on
si_Map_File si_Map_File(char *) The map that have been selected to play on
si_Map_Height si_Map_Height(int Height) The height of the selected map
si_Map_Players si_Map_Players(int NumPlayers) The number of players this map was designed for
si_Map_Width si_Map_Width(int Width) The width of the selected map
si_MaxUnits si_MaxUnits(int UnitCount) Max unitcount for each player
si_StartResources si_StartResources(int NumResources) Start resources
sndopt_EffectsActive sndopt_EffectsActive(bool Active); Sets if the sound effects should be active
sndopt_EffectsVolume sndopt_EffectsVolume(int Volume); Sets the sound effects volume
sndopt_InterfaceSoundsActive sndopt_InterfaceSoundsActive(bool Active); Sets if the interface sound effects should be activee
sndopt_InterfaceVolume sndopt_InterfaceVolume(int Volume); Sets the sound effects volume
sndopt_Quality sndopt_Quality(int Quality); Sets the sound quality
sounds_LowResourcesPercent sounds_LowResourcesPercent(float Percent); Sets the warning level.
sounds_RemindTime sounds_RemindTime(int Time); Sets the number of seconds between warnings
srv_AccuratenessRatio srv_MinFPS(float Fps); Sets the ratio for compensating accurateness of the game engine. Values closer to 1.0f will favour accurateness before gamespeed
srv_Color_Add srv_Color_Add(int r, int g, int b); Adds a clor to the color selection list
srv_Color_List srv_Color_List(); Lists the colors in the color selection list
srv_Color_RemoveAll srv_Color_RemoveAll(); Removes all colors in color selection list
srv_GameSpeed srv_GameSpeed(float Gamespeed); Sets the desired gamespeed, 0.0 is pause and 1.0 is normal
srv_GiveResources srv_GiveResources(float Amount); Give resources to all players
srv_MinFPS srv_MinFPS(float Fps); Sets the Minimum accurateness of the game engine. Values under 5 fps is not desirable.
srv_Name srv_Name(str Name); Changes the name of this server
srv_Password srv_Password The password a client has to set cl_Password to to be able to connect to the server
srv_Pause srv_Pause(bool Pause); Pauses the server... Only available in local server
srv_Rate srv_Rate(float Rate); Sets the combined max rate of the server
srv_Resync srv_Resync(); Forces a resync of the game
srv_Sync_NumberOfChecksPerFrame srv_Sync_NumberOfChecksPerFrame(float Number); Sets the number of units the server sends out to clients per frame for sync checking. Can be less than 1.0
srv_SyncEveryFrame srv_SyncEveryFrame(int Mode); Syncs the game every frame if set to 1, if set to 2 it syns it once but without resorting lists etc
srv_TargetFPS srv_TargetFPS(float Fps); Sets the target accurateness of the game engine. 15 fps is default
ss_Attack ss_Attack(int Point); OR ss_Attack(float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a attack order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_Build ss_Build(char Name); OR ss_Build(char Name, int Point); OR ss_Build(char Name, float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a build order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_GiveSignal ss_GiveSignal(int Signal); All units will be given a clearing signal to continue moving
ss_Guard ss_Guard(int Point); OR ss_Guard(float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a guard order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_Harvest ss_Harvest(int Point); OR ss_Harvest(float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a patrol order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_Move ss_Move(int Point); OR ss_Move(float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a move order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_Patrol ss_Patrol(int Point); OR ss_Patrol(float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a patrol order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_RemoveOrders ss_RemoveOrders(); Removes all orders currently given to the selected unit(s)
ss_RemoveScriptPoints ss_RemoveScriptPoints(); Removes all script points
ss_Repair ss_Repair(int Point); OR ss_Repair(float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a repair order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_SetScriptPoint ss_SetScriptPoint(int Point); Sets the specfied script point at mouse coordinate
ss_SetWaitForSignal ss_SetWaitForSignal(int Signal); The selected unit(s) will stop until ss_GiveSignal is given
ss_Tow ss_Tow(int Point); OR ss_Tow(float LocalX, float LocalY); Sets a tow order to the selected unit(s), either to script point or local position
ss_UnitArrayMove ss_UnitArrayMove( float WorldX1, float WorldY1, float WorldX2, float WorldY2, float WorldXx...); Moves each selected unit to a unique position specified by selection order in the dynamic array.
StartCampaignGame StartCampaignGame Executes startgame.cfg in the specfied campagin mission.
StartCampaignMission StartCampaignMission(char MapName) Starts the specified map in the campaign set by SetActiveCampaign
StartGame StartGame(); starts up the game
StartLocalServer StartLocalServer Starts a local loopback server
StartMP3 StartMP3(str FileName); Plays the supplied mp3
StartPublicServer StartPublicServer (int Port = 47222) Starts a public server
StartServer StartServer (int Port = 47222, bool Public = false) Starts a server
StopMP3 StopMP3(); Stops playing the playing mp3
StopSelected StopSelected(); Stops the selected units current actions
StopSelected StopSelected(); Stops the selected units
Syntax Syntax (str Command); Displays syntax data for the supplied command
Team Team(str/int Team); Changes the team for the player
TestConsoleCommands TestConsoleCommands(); Function for testing the speed of diffrent Name lookup functions
TestFloat TestFloat(); Function for testing the speed of diffrent float functions
TestInt TestInt(); Function for testing the speed of diffrent float to int conversions
TestLocalization TestLocalization If true, the gui will replace all text with *LOC*
TestSQRT TestSQRT(); Function for testing the speed of diffrent square root table functions
true true Constant
ui_Statusbar_OutlineColor_b ui_Statusbar_OutlineColor_b Changes the blue component of the statusbar outline color
ui_Statusbar_OutlineColor_g Statusbar_OutlineColor_g Changes the green component of the statusbar outline color
ui_Statusbar_OutlineColor_r ui_Statusbar_OutlineColor_r Changes the red component of the statusbar outline color
ui_Statusbar_PositionY ui_Statusbar_PositionY Changes the y position of the unit statusbar
ui_Statusbar_Power_BegColor_b Statusbar_Power_BegColor_b Changes the blue component of the powerbar begin color
ui_Statusbar_Power_BegColor_g Statusbar_Power_BegColor_g Changes the green component of the powerbar begin color
ui_Statusbar_Power_BegColor_r Statusbar_Power_BegColor_r Changes the red component of the powerbar begin color
ui_Statusbar_Power_EndColor_b Statusbar_Power_EndColor_b Changes the blue component of the powerbar end color
ui_Statusbar_Power_EndColor_g Statusbar_Power_EndColor_g Changes the green component of the powerbar end color
ui_Statusbar_Power_EndColor_r ui_Statusbar_Power_EndColor_r Changes the red component of the powerbar end color
ui_Statusbar_Power_MidColor_b Statusbar_Power_MidColor_b Changes the blue component of the powerbar middle color
ui_Statusbar_Power_MidColor_g Statusbar_Power_MidColor_g Changes the green component of the powerbar middle color
ui_Statusbar_Power_MidColor_r ui_Statusbar_Power_MidColor_r Changes the red component of the powerbar middle color
ui_Statusbar_PowerHeight ui_Statusbar_PowerHeight Changes the height of the unit statusbars powerbar
ui_Statusbar_PowerInterlace ui_Statusbar_PowerInterlace Changes the interlace count of the unit statusbars powerbar
ui_Statusbar_Reload_BegColor_b Statusbar_Reload_BegColor_b Changes the blue component of the reloadbar begin color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_BegColor_g Statusbar_Reload_BegColor_g Changes the green component of the reloadbar begin color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_BegColor_r Statusbar_Reload_BegColor_r Changes the red component of the reloadbar begin color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_EndColor_b Statusbar_Reload_EndColor_b Changes the blue component of the reloadbar end color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_EndColor_g Statusbar_Reload_EndColor_g Changes the green component of the reloadbar end color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_EndColor_r ui_Statusbar_Reload_EndColor_r Changes the red component of the reloadbar end color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_MidColor_b Statusbar_Reload_MidColor_b Changes the blue component of the reloadbar middle color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_MidColor_g Statusbar_Reload_MidColor_g Changes the green component of the reloadbar middle color
ui_Statusbar_Reload_MidColor_r ui_Statusbar_Reload_MidColor_r Changes the red component of the reloadbar middle color
ui_Statusbar_ReloadHeight ui_Statusbar_ReloadHeight Changes the height of the unit statusbars reloadbar
ui_Statusbar_ReloadInterlace ui_Statusbar_ReloadInterlace Changes the interlace count of the unit statusbars reloadbar
ui_Statusbar_Width ui_Statusbar_Width Changes the width of the unit statusbar
UnselectAll UnselectAll Disselects all units
Vid_BinkSoundTrack Vid_BinkSoundTrack(int SoundTrack); Sets the soundtrack to play sound in binks from
Vid_BitDepth Vid_BitDepth(int M int BitDepth); Selects the prefered bitdepth for the selected monitor
Vid_Driver Vid_Driver(int M str DriverName); Selects the driver for the selected monitor
Vid_ForceRestart Vid_ForceRestart Restares the video system
Vid_Hardware Vid_Hardware(int M bool Enable); Enables hardware 3D rasterazion on the selected monitor
Vid_ListDrivers Vid_ListDrivers(); Lists the available drivers
Vid_ListResolutions Vid_ListResolutions(int M Lists the awailable resolutions for the selected nonitor
Vid_mon1_Windowed Vid_mon1_Windowed(bool Disable); Selects windowed mode for monitor 1
Vid_RefreshRate Vid_RefreshRate(int M ) Selects the prefered refreshrate for the slected monitor
Vid_Resolution Vid_Resolution(int M int Width, int Height); Sets the resoultion for the selected monitor
Vid_Restart Vid_Restart Restares the video system
vid_TestCharSet vid_TestCharSet(); Displazs all characters
Vid_TextureDetail Vid_TextureDetail(int M int Detail); Selects texture detail selected monitor
Vid_TextureQuality Vid_TextureQuality(int M int Qualitu); Selects texture quality for the selected monitor
vid_UseSeprate2DSurface vid_UseSeprate2DSurface Turning this on and restarting the video may provide better performance
Vid_Windowed Vid_Windowed(int M bool Windowed); Selects windowed mode for the selected monitor
view_FarClipping view_FarClipping(float FarClipping); Sets the far clipping distance
View_GameSceneAngle View_GameSceneAngle(float Angle); Sets the heading of the camera
View_GameSceneAngleUp View_GameSceneAngleUp(float Angle); Sets the pitch of the camera
View_GameSceneCenterX View_GameSceneCenterX(float Pos); Sets the lookat position of the camera (X)
View_GameSceneCenterY View_GameSceneCenterY(float Pos); Sets the lookat position of the camera (Y)
View_GameSceneDistance View_GameSceneDistance(float Distance); Sets the distance of the camera from the gamescene
View_GameSceneZoom View_GameSceneZoom(float Zoom); Sets the FOV of the camera
View_MaxVis View_MaxVis(float Angle); Tha maximum visible portion of the gamescene
view_NearClipping view_NearClipping(float NearClipping) Sets the near clipping distance

WinGame WinGame The player wins the game

Ş total of 543 commands

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