The Legend of Erthia is an advanced cross between Might and Magic VII and Might and Magic IV & V – World of Xeen. Some of the features include a six member party system, random treasure, Xeen-like combat, MM7-like skill system, tons of different enchantment types, material bonus for armor and weapons, and much more.

RSS Articles
Class, Parameter, Skill, and Spell Charts and Descriptions

Class, Parameter, Skill, and Spell Charts and Descriptions


I have posted the class, parameter, skill, and spell description charts.

Main Features

Main Features


These are some of the main features of LOE. LOE is a cross between Might and Magic VII and Might and Magic IV & V - World of Xeen.

LOE Updates Dec, 1, 2011 to Feb, 12, 2012

LOE Updates Dec, 1, 2011 to Feb, 12, 2012


Here are some recent updates to LOE from Dec, 1, 2011 to Feb, 12, 2012.

LOE Updates 1

LOE Updates 1


Here are some of the most recent updates to LOE: Xeen combat style, gems and teleport spell, animates sprite performance upgrade, story outline completed...