This is a 2D RPG that we hope will knock your socks off. The base of it is about a boy who loses his special lance is has the task of getting back in his hands. Along the way are different guilds that want the boy, Monsuka, to join them so that they will be able to have to lance. You must choose the guild you want to support and do quests for them with their members to help recover the lance. This is a game mean't to be a sandbox style, (do whatever you like), type of game' We are looking to hire anyone who believes they can help, so send an email to if you want to apply' Our Latest Thoughts: * Multiplayer is possible, though not over the internet' You can play with friends using the same keyboard' * Ok, we are still in need of a patch or update from internet system' *Just a small update for everyone. We aren't dead, we are doing some internal testing. We plan on releasing a public version as soon as we can get an update from internet system, if you know any, email us.

Forum Thread
Custom content? (Games : The Lances Legend : Forum : Ideas/Suggestions : Custom content?) Locked
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Mar 29 2006 Anchor

I just posted this in your main profile, but then I relised you had a forum, so here:

I think that you should ask for some art type people, that way you can achive 100% custom content, if people can for engines like source, there is no reason you shouldn't for somehting that requires less effort for more content... if you get what I mean

Mar 29 2006 Anchor

I do see the need for custom content, but then again, there aren't too many people out there that know how to make great pixel art. I do hope that our custom music guys, Simplastic, can make the game a better experience then it would be with preset music.

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