Tap Quest is an action defense game drawing inspirations from Zelda and Dungeons & Dragons. You play as a young warrior, defending the tower from monsters, where an evil, but dormant dragon lies within. Along with your sword attacks, you have 4 skills you can pick up while playing and use them to fend off the enemies. You will need to collect coins dropped by the slain monsters, collect gems and use them to upgrade your skills and weapons. In the end, you face the great inevitable. It features: Relentlessly fast-paced attack action, Upgrade weapons with matching outfits, skills, fairy, and the wizard, Extremely easy action gameplay for everyone to get into, Original soundtracks by a pro DJ ranging from Deep House to Trance, and A special surprise gameplay at the end.

Post news Report RSS 塔防 RPG 指尖上的 地下城冒险:《Tap Quest》

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近日,游戏开发商 Nanoo 公布 了旗下 一款塔 防动作类的游戏《Tap Quest》, 该作现已 提交至 App Store 进行审查, 不出意外的话将 会在月内与广大 iOS 玩家们见面。 从官方 放出的有限截图与 预告视频中就 能看出这绝对是一款值得期待的作品, 感兴趣的玩家不妨留意下。

《Tap Quest》在玩法上多少类似于《点杀泰坦》(Tap Titan), 不过该作 的可 玩性却非 后者可比肩, 玩家将化身为无名勇士游走于多 个地下城,并与无穷无 尽的怪物展 开血战。 游戏中最大 的特 点的莫过于施 放技能时 出现的那 一串串 暴击数字, 顿时令人有一种横扫千军之感。

小编对该 作可谓是一见 钟情, 特别是看过预告 视 频 后发现 这 款作品 虽然看似 单 薄但实质 内容却非常深厚, 因此也推荐给有同感的各位, 在上架后小编会第一时间为大家奉上下载地址, 敬请期待!

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